Detergent for dishes with their own hands. Than to wash children's ware

A dishwashing liquid is a remedy that can be found in every kitchen. Each has its own selection criteria:

  • price;
  • quality;
  • ecological compatibility;
  • economy.

However, hardly anyone is able to refute thethe fact that it is possible at home to make a dishwashing detergent that will be effective enough in the fight against fat and domestic dirt. Especially relevant for families with small children. After all, caring for babies requires careful consideration in the choice of any detergents, and children's dishes are particularly demanding in this regard.

dishwashing detergent

Advantages of home remedies

No cleaning, washing or dishwashingdoes without the use of household chemicals. However, fighting for cleanliness in the house, we can cause some harm to our health. What is so dangerous synthetic products for washing dishes?

First of all, they can includetoxic and oncogenic substances, especially for cheap powders and gels. Secondly, these funds are very expensive, if the main criterion for choice are efficiency and safety. Thirdly, the danger can be not so much detergent for dishes (you can do it yourself), how much is its packaging, which can be toxic and harm not only your family members, but also the environment in the future.

When using synthetic detergentsThe skin of the hands may suffer if you forget to put on rubber gloves while washing. Yes, and to wash off the remedy from utensils is sometimes impossible (unfortunately, you can not see it with the naked eye), and over time it accumulates on the surface or in the digestive tract.

Safe detergents

In order to avoid the negative consequences of the use of detergents, it is recommended to wash the plates with natural home remedies, especially if they are baby dishes.

dishwashing detergent

Excellent proven in the fight against fat soda, lemon, mustard, vinegar. On their basis and you can prepare a dishwashing detergent with your own hands.

Soda-based products

Soda is a remedy that ourGrandmothers, when cleaned after lunch or dinner. There are several recipes based on this substance, which will forever decide the question of what washing dishes is safe for health.

household dish cleaner

Soda will help you if you need to cope with burnt leftover food. In addition, the soda solution can easily clean any glass surfaces.

Based on this substance can be prepareda dishwashing liquid with your own hands with your favorite fragrance. To do this, in addition to soda will need a laundry soap, hot water and flavor. Soap should be rubbed on a small grater, so that it dissolves more quickly. After that, the chips are poured hot water in the proportion 1: 2. Now take the blender and carefully beat this mixture until the foam appears (about 5 minutes). Without stopping, add about a quarter of a batch of soda and a favorite flavor. As a result of all the actions you should get a reminder resembling an air souffle. The resulting mixture cool and use it safely for washing dishes.

Another household dish cleaner withsoda, which is quite effective, has in its composition, in addition to the main component, hydrogen peroxide. Mix in the same amount of soda and hydrogen peroxide, dissolve the resulting mixture in a glass of hot water. This tool is very convenient to use from a spray.

Dry mustard helps not only with colds

Powder of mustard is the oldest means thathelps to clean dishes from food debris. And it still remains one of the most effective. In order to prepare a dishwashing detergent with your own hands using mustard, you will need directly mustard powder (about 1 tbsp.) And hot water. Mustard must be dissolved in this water and stirred until foam forms (in some cases soda is added). And all, you can wash the dishes - moisten this tool with a kitchen sponge and wipe the dishes with it. After rinsing with running water, a characteristic squeak will alert you to the crystal clearness of the dishes.

dishwashing liquid

Another means based on mustard requires the addition of the following ingredients:

  • 25 grams of laundry soap (grate);
  • 2 tbsp. hot water (dissolve soap in it);
  • on 1,5 st. l. soda and mustard powder (add to the cooled soap solution);
  • 2 tbsp. l. ammonia (when working with this substance you need to take care of airing).

gel for washing dishes

After mixing all the ingredients, the mixture needsclose tightly and let it brew for about 3 hours. After this time, the product can be used, not only for washing dishes, but also for cleaning the plate and other surfaces. For effectiveness, the agent should be left on for a few minutes on the stains, and only then start to be cleaned immediately.

Lemon is an independent cleaning agent

This tool is not just a cleaning agentsubstance, but also a truly natural component. To fight fat and other stains, you can use not only lemon juice, but also its peel. It is in a few minutes that will help you get rid of unpleasant kitchen odors, which can long enough to annoy after cooking, for example, the smell of fish, onions or garlic.

In addition, the lemon can be part of the detergentmeans, which, despite their effectiveness, in no way harm the skin of the hands. You can prepare the gel for washing dishes yourself, for this, take:

  • melted laundry soap;
  • 1 glass of hot water;
  • 25 ml of glycerol;
  • lemon;
  • half a teaspoon of alcohol or vodka.

baby dishes

Combine melted soap with hot water untilformation of strong foam. After this, gradually add glycerin, while still stirring. Next, add half the lemon juice and alcohol. Use this tool for dishes can be immediately after it becomes room temperature.

Vinegar takes care of the glass

Another means that will make caring forglassware is very light and labor-free, is vinegar. It is popular among modern housewives, because under its influence glass objects, pots and kettles with scum (both calcified and calcareous) will shine like new ones. For these purposes, you can use both concentrated vinegar essence, and diluted with water. The effectiveness of the drug from this decreases slightly.

Homemade detergent for dishwasher

If you are accustomed to washing dishes not with your hands, but using household appliances, do not give up the idea of ​​using natural ingredients for these purposes. The following recipe will help you with this.

than to wash dishes

So, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. hot water;
  • 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 tsp. soda.

Soda dissolve in water, then add hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. This tool can be safely used both with manual washing and in a dishwasher.

Do not be lazy and do not save your time in order to prepare a dishwashing detergent with your own hands, and then the cleanliness in the house will bring exclusively health to you and your loved ones.

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