How to plant Clematis? Some useful tips

It is no coincidence that manyfloricultural clematis. The catalog of these plants is huge. Many people like these vines in that they blossom abundantly between June and September. Such varieties include Elegy, Viola, Blue Angel, Ernst Markham and Gypsy Quinn. At the same time, up to several hundred flowers up to twenty centimeters in diameter can be blossomed on the vine.

how to plant flowers in the country

When and how to plant clematis?

Planting on a permanent place clematis should beautumn or spring. In the autumn period, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the plant must take root before the onset of frost. When spring planting, pay attention to the temperature regime. After all, night frosts can adversely affect clematis. Pits for planting are recommended to be made large, about 60 centimeters deep and as much in diameter. It is desirable to make a layer of drainage approximately 10-15 cm thick. Use for this crushed stone or broken brick. Root at planting is better to spread on the soil, poured by a mound. Many make a similar mound of a mixture of sand and earth, and the root neck of the plant is sprinkled with sand. Such a measure is able to prevent decay of clematis, as well as protect from overheating of the root system in the summer and freezing in winter.

How to plant clematis correctly? Planting scheme, watering, care for planting

Optimum distance between plants -approximately one meter. It can be made and more - about 120 centimeters. Then the plants will develop better and will be more branchy. It is necessary to water abundantly after planting clematis. When further cultivation is recommended to regularly loosen the soil to ensure constant air access to the roots. It will also be an excellent way to combat weeds that can damage the plant, depleting the soil.

how to plant clematis

How to plant Clematis? Secrets of Florists

For the successful cultivation of clematis, several simple rules should be observed:

- The bought seedling before planting is better disinfected in manganese;

- the plant should be planted immediately to a permanent place;

- install a reliable support for the creeper. Such a precautionary measure will prevent the fragile root system from mechanical damage;

- it is necessary to tie the growing shoots as the vine grows;

- clematis - light-loving plants, however, the root system should not be overheated;

Clematis catalog

- to cause the growth of lateral shoots, pinch the top of the plant;

- it is advisable not to plant clematis in places where winds are constantly blowing, since a strong wind can break down plant shoots;

- make sure that the growing clematis does not get water from the roof of the building, it will negatively affect the health of the creeper. Therefore, it is better to plant them no closer than fifty centimeters from the walls of the building.

That's all there is to know about how to plant clematis.

To ensure abundant growth and good flowering, do not forget to periodically make top dressing. Apply fertilizer better in view of the clematis growth phase.

clematis at the cottage

Now you know: how to plant flowers in the country, so that they bring joy, and your site was always blooming.

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