How to grow onions in your garden and at home

It may seem that the onion is such a gardenplant, for which and care is something especially not necessary. Up to the formula "stick-grows". This is not true. On the other hand, the question of how to grow onions should not be unnecessarily complicated, describing sophisticated agricultural practices. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

How to grow onions
Large onions are obtained from small onionsWhen preparing for sowing, they must be carefully sorted out, removing the diseased and damaged, sorting by size, to warm up 2 or 3 days before disembarkation (if you bought sowing, and did not store at room temperature) , arrange a "bath" in the solution to protect against fungal diseases.

A row of onions should be preparedfrom the autumn: it is cleaned, disinfected, spilled with water and frosted in winter. In the spring, before growing the onion, it must be fertilized, digged, and kept under the film for several days.

Plant sevok in late April or early May, whenthis soil temperature should be no lower than +12 degrees, otherwise it will start out the arrow. Place of planting - furrows 4 cm deep; distance between springs - from 8 to 10 cm; between the furrows - 20-25 cm Bulbs sprinkled with earth and poured warm water from the rain watering can.

When to plant a leek
Another question is when to put onions leeks. This biennial plant is a solid feather, it does not form bulbs as such. Seeds of leeks are grown from February. Carefully ensure that the seedlings do not stretch and do not fall because of excessive moisture and heat in poor lighting. It should be as bright as possible, the temperature during the day is +20 ... + 25, at night +10 ... + 12. By the time you land, you will get sturdy seedlings with a thick stalk.

In the open ground it comes with 3 or 4real leaves, a stem not less than 15 cm long and 5 cm thick. Before planting, one should shorten the roots one third. Plant to a depth of 3 or 4 cm (but can be deepened up to 8 cm), between plants about 10 cm, between rows - 15 cm. The timing of the landing is the same as that of the onion. Here's how to grow onions outdoors.

How to grow a green onion at home
And if it is not available? Stay home in the winter without tasty and healthy greens? Nothing like this! Approaching the case with his knowledge, your home bow will not be any worse than his garden "brother".

If you set a goal and think about howgrow onions at any time of the year, you need to select two dozen medium bulbs for use on each month. Cut off the top of each until thickened and soak for a day in a steady warm water. In the meantime, fill the earth with selected dishes. Put the soaked onions there, generously pour them with the same water. Try to provide good additional lighting, but it is not necessary. After 2 weeks, green feathers appear. Do not rush them off! First, wait another week, and secondly, cut off the extreme feathers, so that their growth continues.

But! We forget that in the question of how to grow green onions at home, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were much smarter than amateurs of agrotechnics. And each of us at least once in my life saw the sills of kitchens, lined with mayonnaise jars with rapidly growing "cipollino". What is interesting - no soil! The main thing is that the bottom of the bulb is gently immersed in water. All nutrients for growth are taken from the bulb itself. The result is on the windowsill and on the table!

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