Favorite of window sills: royal pelargonium, home care

Pelargonium royal care at home

Pelargonium is not for nothing called royal. This is really a luxurious plant, pleasing to the eye with elegant colors of motley colors and luscious green foliage. In addition, it is extremely useful, since it produces a special aroma that soothingly acts on the nervous system, relaxes, helps get rid of gloomy thoughts, bouts of depression, gives a deep, invigorating sleep. Essential oils of the flower remarkably clean the air of germs and viruses. In a word, settling on your windowsills, a wonderful plant creates a healthy microclimate in the family in a literal and figurative sense.

Planting and care

What measures should be taken to ensure thatcomfortably felt the royal pelargonium? Care at home for her is pretty simple. The birthplace of the flower is Africa, the southern regions. Consequently, he is warm and light-loving. Pretty easy to carry and direct sunlight. Therefore, the plant is comfortable both on the eastern side of the rooms, and on the western and southern. This must be taken into account when placing flowerpots. After all, on the north side, the royal pelargonium will feel less comfortable. Care at home should be closer to natural. It is especially important that the plant does not hurt during the period of active growth - from the middle of spring and until the end of the fair days of autumn. Although if you carefully look after the vase, it will bloom almost constantly. Such an amazing property is inherent in all grades of pelargonium, and this they are like another room favorite - geranium. By the way, many believe that it is the geraniums that include the royal pelargonium, home care behind it is also almost identical. The bushes must be sprayed with water at room temperature, if the weather is particularly hot. If the leaves are withered, and this also happens, they should be trimmed carefully, leaving a small stalk to allow a new sprout to appear. Lack of light and excess moisture - both are very afraid of the royal pelargonium.

royal pelargonium at home
Care at home should be concentratedon these factors. In low light, a compact bush of a rounded shape acquires a slovenly appearance. The leaves on the cuttings begin to disproportionately stretch, the trunk grows hypertrophically, the color of the leaves and flowers pales. Such a pelargonium can not be called a royal one, but rather a frozen one. And with unnecessary watering the plant begins to ache, the roots rot, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. From late autumn (mid-November) to mid-February, the royal pelargonium at home "retires to rest" - its growth is suspended. Then the optimal regime for it is +10 degrees, irrigation is very rare. And in February, once again put the pot on its rightful place and admire the exotic beauty from the heart! The flower multiplies with cuttings - just put it in water, after 2-3 weeks the roots will be of sufficient length to be planted in the soil.
Pelargonium royal flower
Pelargonium flower royal, until it reachesmature age, should every spring be transplanted into the pot a little more than the previous one. Too big it does not fit, mind you! After all, the root system must be entangled in the whole earth clod in the pot. Top dressing is best suited for superphosphate, but 3 months after transplantation, not earlier! But fresh organic organics are not recommended by specialists-flower growers, pelargonium simply can not tolerate it.

Take care of pelargonium, and she will answer you with her royal beauty!

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