Beautiful and exquisite flower - ampel Pelargonium.

Pelargonium or, as it is still called, geranium,belongs to the family Geraniaceae, which includes more than 780 species of plant variety. The most widespread and numerous is the genus Pelargonium.

Ampel Pelargonium affects its diversitytypes and forms. This can drop short shrubs or semi-shrubs, perennial or annual plants. Pelargonium leaves are whimsical and diverse. Whole, palchate-lobate or pinnately-dissected, having dentate, wavy or smooth edges, pubescent or glandular, emitting essential oils, hairs, brightly green or with beautiful colored veins.

Different kinds of pelargonium are well-formed betweenand create amazing in beauty and grace color ensembles. A characteristic feature favorably distinguishing these plants against the background of the others is the specific aroma, which is evolved by the leaves of the pelargonium. Among the huge variety there are species with the smell of peppermint, lemon, ginger, nutmeg, apple, lime, lily of the valley, rose. So this amazing flower is able to amaze not only with its unrivaled exterior beauty, but also delight with an exquisite noble and delicate aroma.

Ampel Pelargonium, Pelargonium fragrant,Pelargonium royal, ivy-leaved, fragrant and other varieties of this amazing plant, perfectly take root at home and bloom almost all the year round. Of course, when creating suitable conditions for them. It is thanks to this feature, the flower is so fond of gardeners. The plant has beautiful carved leaves and small bright flowers. Pelargonium does not require special burdensome care, so it is a pleasure to grow it.

How to care for pelargonium.

Ampelny Pelargonium grows well, as in small pots, or boxes, and in flower beds. The plant is planted on the sunny side and watered abundantly and abundantly.

In order to make ampel pelargonium goodit must be fertilized up to 2 times a month. To do this, special additives are suitable, which must be added directly to the soil, intended specifically for the family of geranium.

Pelargonium is absolutely not afraid of drought and can safely survive a long time without watering. Therefore, even when going on vacation, flowers can not be particularly worried.

A distinctive feature of pelargonium, as well as of all plants of the genus geranium, is a low susceptibility to various pests and diseases.

If you want to enjoy flowers all year round, thenWith the onset of autumn vases with plants must be moved inside the room. But you need to do this avoiding a sharp temperature drop. This ampelnaya pelargonium very much does not like. The plant may begin to wilt or even completely dry out.

In winter and autumn, pelargonium is necessarycontain in rooms with a fairly low temperature, ranging from +6 to +10 degrees. It is during this period that it will be necessary to closely monitor the watering regime of the plant. Its periodicity becomes much less frequent than in the summer. Each watering of the plant is carried out when the soil is already completely dry, so as not to allow excessive moistening of the soil or stagnation in the flowerpot with a flower of excess water. Do not forget that even in winter the flower needs a sufficient amount of sunlight, so it is necessary to have flowerpots in the brightest part of the apartment. Best of all on the south side.

In the spring, shrubs of pelargonium are cut off a little,freeing them from last year's dried up shrubs. And in a short time the plant gives new young leaves and twigs and becomes ready for flowering.

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