What is the foundation for the swampy terrain?

When building a country cottage, the choice of typeThe foundation depends primarily on the characteristics of the soil in the selected area. The most problematic are the areas where there is a high level of groundwater, or, more simply, marshy soil. The most important thing when designing a building project is to build a foundation in a marshy area correctly. On this depends the reliability of the building as a whole and compliance with the necessary construction technologies in particular.

marshy foundation

According to experienced builders, the onlyThe correct way out for swampy soil is to install piles. Such a foundation in the swampy terrain is able to reliably protect the structure from negative external factors that could damage the structure. True, it is worth noting that the device of this type of fortification is not an easy task. Installation of piles should be carried out with the help of special equipment and requires complex engineering calculations. That is, if you want your building to stand for many years - a special approach is needed.

Pile foundation in marshlandis constructed as follows: by means of special equipment the elements are hammered deep into the ground. Sometimes boron piles are used instead of the usual ones. These elements do not need to be clogged. In their form these piles resemble giant screws that are firmly screwed into the ground at a given depth.

foundation for wetlands

Making foundations for marshlandof piles is considered the most reliable. The fact is that the load-bearing elements have a very long length, during installation they penetrate into the deepest layers of the earth, bypassing the diffuse ground masses. Depth layers have an impressive load-bearing capacity, so that the piles, supported by a reliable base, can withstand any load.

However, it is worth considering that the pile foundation on themarshy area is not cheap. Despite all its advantages and the strength of the design, most of our compatriots have such an option, alas, simply can not afford. However, there are much simpler, but at the same time, reliable types of foundation for the swampy terrain. And they can be made independently and without special expenses.

To begin with it is necessary to clear from superfluous grounda place for future construction. As a rule, this removes about 40 centimeters. Then the area should be covered with a mixture of fine gravel and building sand, carefully compacted. On top of the laid road plates - it is not necessary to buy new ones, for this case the former used are quite suitable. On the laid boards it is necessary to install a wooden formwork, on top of which the usual foundation of the tape type is poured.

types of foundation for a swampy area

It should be noted that this method is suitable forconstruction of log cabins from timber or wooden cottages. This technology will increase the stability of the base of the wooden house several times. And this is very important, because the stability of the foundation when building a building in the swampy terrain is the main requirement.

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