How to make fingerprints with your own hands?

Look for what to do with a small fidget. Give him baby finger paints. They will be very attracted to crumbs. The creative process is interesting to all the guys. Parents can not worry, because the composition of each jar is absolutely safe. If you are in doubt, make your own fingerprints yourself.

The Benefits of Creativity

how to make finger paints

From the earliest childhood it is necessary to teach the child toartistic mastery. It improves imagination, promotes the rapid development of fine motor skills and, as a result, stimulates the appearance of speech. You can use traditional materials that were used many decades ago. Children love plasticine, pencils, markers, crayons, watercolor, gouache. Now palm paints are becoming more popular. They paint at home, in the kindergarten, in the art studios and schools of early development. And the most interesting thing is that you can make fingerprints with your own hands and at home. The child will also be interested in participating in this process. And to draw by what else is made independently, will be much more pleasant. Each such experience of the baby can turn into a greeting card for the grandmother or a beautiful colored panel on the wall.

Benefits of finger paints

Kids and their parents enjoy this entertainment very much thanks to the following advantages:

  • do not need to be able to draw with a brush;
  • You can touch the contents of the jars;
  • can be applied to various surfaces (paper, cardboard, glass, bathroom walls and even the body);
  • paints are easily washed off from the skin and washed from clothes;
  • paints are safe for health, even if the baby wants to taste the contents of the jar.

At what age should I use it?

Considering that finger paints for their children are absolutely safe for children, it is possible to begin to work with children from three months on.

finger paints
The product, bought in the store, as a rule,recommended for use by children older than 12 months. If the label indicates the age of three years, do not buy them for young children. The most important thing is that you can start with them when the child is not holding a pencil or a brush in his hand. First, give the baby one color, then two and so gradually increase the amount.


Finger paints to make at homequick and easy. However, the purchased analogs have several advantages. Ready-made sets are often completed with stamps located on the lid of the jar. These tools children love to use. With their help, you can easily make a sun, a cloud, a heart, a curl, a circle. In some boxes there are containers with stamps in the form of Smeshariki.

Finger paints for children

In addition, making palm paints with your own hands, you will be limited in the color range with those shades that you can find.

There are ready-made sets consisting ofbasic tones: red, yellow, blue, as well as many shades. The volume of jars can also be different: 25, 40 or 80 ml. Paint is sold as two or three containers, as well as large sets. However, if you have the time and desire, you can make your own fingerprints yourself. The most important thing is that it will cost you less, and you can involve your baby in the manufacturing process.

Manufacture at home

baby finger paints

If you want to learn how to make a fingerpaint, learn recipes and recommendations. You will see that this is quite simple and does not take much time. In their manufacture, those ingredients are used that can be found in the kitchen of each landlady. No special equipment is also required. So, you need a blender to create a uniform consistency, but you can use a mixer or a whisk. In addition, you will need food colors, which will depend on the shade of colors. They can be taken from Easter sets for making colored patterns on the surface of eggs. Sold bags with dyes in the department with spices, gelatin and other means for baking and cooking are also sold separately. All ingredients are mixed. The latter is added color. The color will depend on its amount: the more it is poured, the brighter the tone becomes.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade paints

A hand-made set for drawing has both pluses and minuses. The positive aspects include the following:

what to do with finger paints

  • simplicity of manufacture;
  • lower cost in comparison with finished analogues;
  • can make any number;
  • the child is interested in the process of creating colors;
  • knowing the composition of the colors, you will be absolutely sure of the safety of the child.

But there are several disadvantages:

  • it is not always possible to buy food coloring of the desired color;
  • you need a ready-made container with lids (cuvettes from used colors, jars of puree);
  • containers are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

In addition, the store paints addspecial food bitterness. If the child tastes this composition, he will immediately lose the desire to take it in his mouth again. So, you can teach the baby not to lick the paint. At home, these properties of the composition can be obtained only by adding, for example, ground pepper.

Finger paints for 10 minutes

There are different manufacturing options in whichconventional food products are used: flour, salt, sugar, starch. The sequence of steps is approximately the same in all cases. If you can not immediately decide on what to do with finger paints, you can try different recipes and choose what you like. To lay out the received structure it is necessary on jars to which there are covers. If the mass is made for one-time use, then sufficiently open containers.

Recipe 1

finger paints with your hands in 10 minutes

The method is based on the use of flour. Ingredients will be required in the following proportions:

  • flour - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • water - half a cup;
  • food colorings.

The second option is characterized by a quantitative ratio of the components:

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp;
  • salt - 7 tablespoons;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • food colorings.

As a pigment, you can use not only the finished powder from the sachet. Also suitable zelenka, beet or carrot juice, turmeric and other natural dyes.

Flour, salt, oil are mixed until homogeneousmasses. Gradually, water flows. Consistency should be similar to sour cream. If the mass is too liquid, add flour. To, on the contrary, dilute the composition - water. After the composition is distributed among the jars, each has its own pigment.

Recipe 2

Finger paints make

This method of production is suitable for childrenolder people who will not constantly taste the colors. This includes soap, so there are such colors are not worth it. For the preparation we need the following ingredients:

  • starch - 1/3 cup;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • cold water - 2 cups;
  • means for washing dishes - 1/4 cups;
  • food colorings.

In a saucepan, mix the starch and sugar. Add water and put on a small fire. You must always stir the weight. Boil for about five minutes, until the composition becomes gel-like and translucent. After cooling, add a dishwashing detergent. It will allow effortlessly to wash off stains of a paint from clothes and to remove from other soiled surfaces. Pour the mixture over the jars, put the colors and mix until homogeneous.

Recipe 3

Finger paints for your kidscan be made even edible, for example, based on yogurt. Pour the finished product into jars, add the dye. You can start drawing. This is the simplest recipe, but the shelf life of such a compound can not be called long. So, it's good to do these colors for one drawing session. Although they can be eaten, do not teach the child to this. After all, you make a composition for drawing. Once you try, the child will assume that the paint can be eaten. Later the baby can get a habit of licking brushes, hands, jars.

Now you know how to make finger paintsfrom the ingredients available in the kitchen. If you involve the kid in the manufacturing process, then you can have fun, not only doing artwork. And painting with own paints will seem to the child even more interesting and fascinating.

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