Large-bred variety of Siberian selection - Babushkin secret (tomato)

Picking tomatoes for planting is not an easy task. The spring sun warms up more and more, and the painful search for the very same tomato begins, which will not disappoint, will please with a plentiful harvest and excellent taste. Popular variety from the company "Siberian Garden" Babushkin secret - a tomato that will decorate any home garden. It has a pink shade of fruits, has excellent flavoring qualities of the salad variety, it is well-fruitful and generally unpretentious.

grandmother's secret tomato

What's in a name…

It is known that the tomato Babushkin secret belongs to the indeterminate type. In total, two main types of tomatoes are distinguished according to the nature of stalk growth: determinant and indeterminate.


This is a variety with a limited growth point. Their growth stops after tying 4 or 5 brushes. The determinant varieties of tomato are subdivided into two subcategories: super-determinant and simple. Those that belong to the category of "super", very early and at times amicably (but there are exceptions) are ripening and giving a harvest. They do not require the formation of a scrub pasynkovaniem and garter brushes to the supports.

The usual determinant varieties of agronomists recommendmoderately pasynkat to get an earlier and friendly harvest. Otherwise, because of the large number of stepchildren, the harvest will ripen at a later date, and the fruits can turn out to be smaller and will not have time to ripen to the onset of cold weather.


This category includes tomatoes (varieties andhybrids) with an unlimited point of growth of the main stem. Bushes of this type require constant monitoring and formation in the form of tying to the support and pasynkovaniya. In our region, because of the short warm season, tomatoes of this category growers prefer growing in greenhouses or greenhouses, since they have medium and late maturing terms.

This category includes the tomato Babushkin secret. The description tells us that it can grow to an average of 150-170 cm.

Babushkin Secret - a tomato with excellent characteristics

tomato babushkin secret reviews

Tomato Babushkin secret has recently been selected by breeders of the company "Siberian Garden". Here is what the producer indicates in the description:

  • The variety is large-bodied, fruits can be poured up to 1 kg.
  • Recommended for planting in greenhouses or under a film shelter.
  • The bush requires the formation and garter, timely pasynkovaniya, watering and complex feeding.
  • Characteristics of fruits: flat-rimmed with red-crimson coloring, small seed chambers, fleshy, sweet, palatability - excellent.
  • Suitable for use in fresh and winter preparations.
  • Seeds are sown on seedlings for 50-60 days before transplantation to a permanent place.
  • A comfortable temperature regime for germination of seeds is 23-25º.
  • The recommended number of varieties "Babushkin Secret" (tomato) when planting on a permanent place - 2-3 pcs. on 1 sq.m.

Agrotechnics of cultivation of tomatoes in seedlings

The process of growing tomatoes can be divided into several main stages:

tomato grandmother's secret

  • Seeding of seeds.
  • Seed sprouting.
  • Transplanting of seedlings in a container with a large volume.
  • Transplant to a permanent place of growth.

Babushkin's secret is a tomato, in which termsplanting seeds for seedlings - 50-60 days before planting seedlings for permanent residence (permanent residence). That is, if the landing on permanent residence is planned, for example, on June 1, then the seeds are sown in late March - early April.

Pikirovka (i.e., transplantation) of grown plants on individual pots is made 2-3 weeks after emergence.

Transplanting of seedlings in a container with a large volumedo as necessary when the seedlings become cramped in a small pot (this circumstance eventually becomes noticeable even to an inexperienced horticulturist).

Transplant for permanent residence in a greenhouse and open groundis held at different times. The land in the greenhouse warms up early for 2-3 weeks than on the beds. And night temperature drops will not be so terrible for seedlings.

In the open ground seedlings are planted at a time when the threat of recurrent frosts is already past.

All the other stages and nuances, such as soil for planting, additional fertilizers, lighting, etc., are selected by each vegetable gardener basing on their experience and requirements for the future harvest.

Everything is taken into account: the conditions of growing seedlings before planting, the characteristics of the soil composition and the degree of illumination of the future permanent residence of tomatoes, climatic conditions and features of the region.

tomato babushkin secret photo

If the first experience of growing seedlings fell on the secret of Babushkin's secret, the testimony of neighbors in the suburban area and the recommendations of more experienced farmers will facilitate this task.

Opinion from

Despite the fact that the "Siberian Garden" positions this variety as a novelty, many gardeners have repeatedly grown the tomato Babushkin secret. Reviews of truck farmers about it are similar:

  • The present tomato taste, very tasty, fleshy, salad variety.
  • The bush grows average height, just above meter, has a powerful trunk and abundantly fructifies.
  • A tomato with a high yield, brushes complex with lots of fruits.
  • It is undemanding to fertilize fertilizers.

In general, lovers grow their own cropsnote that the breeders pleased them, creating a tomato Babushkin secret. The photo on the packet with seeds completely coincides with the appearance of tomatoes grown from it.

tomato grandmother's secret description

Those truckers who have not yet experienced thisan interesting variety on its site, attracts its original name - Babushkin's secret, a tomato of excellent taste. He breathes something cozy, tasty and homely, reminiscent of a village in which a kindly friendly grandmother lives and grows his magnificent tomatoes.

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