How much does the cube weigh: the main characteristics

It can be clearly seen that the cropped board inThe cross-section has the form of a regular rectangle. This fact distinguishes it from an uncircumcised board. Due to this important feature, it can be stacked evenly, packed correctly and the volume of packaged materials. If it is necessary to determine how much the cube weighs, it will be enough to multiply the density and volume. It should be noted that density is a reference value, which depends on both the wood species and its moisture content.

What is the effect of moisture on the weight of wood?

Humidity has a direct effect onweight of sawn timber and other wood products. As is known, it is measured by the percentage of the mass of water in the wood to the mass of dry wood. It should be noted that humidity also depends on drying conditions, its duration and is divided into the following degrees:

How much does the cube weighs?

  • Dry - wood, which necessarily passed the technological drying and has a moisture content of 10% to 18%.
  • Air-dry - wood with an even moisture content of 19% to 23%, the degree of which can be achieved if the wood is stored in natural conditions.
  • Raw - wood with a moisture index of 24% to 45%, which is at the drying stage.
  • Freshly chopped and wet - wood that has a moisture content of more than 45%, only cut down or in the water for a long time.

It should be noted that the weight of woodnot always the same. Therefore, how much the cube weighs depends on, first of all, on such a parameter as the moisture content of the tree. If, for example, take oak and birch, you can see that the cubic meter of oak has a weight of 700 kg, and birches - about 600 kg. However, it can be the other way round, that is, the value of the birch will be greater than the oak. Similar indicators take place, because in this case the moisture content of timber is of no small importance. Based on moisture categories, one can say, despite the same humidity, each wood species has its own weight.

Effect of density on the weight category

How much does the cube of natural moisture board weigh?

Density is another importantfactor that affects the weight of wood. As a rule, iron and ebony have the highest density, the indices of which vary from 1100 kg / m3 to 1350 kg / m3. Closer numbers can be presented by boxwood and stained oak - from 950 kg / m3 to 1100 kg / m3. Before calculating how much the cube weighs on the oak, beech, pear, or hornbeam board, consider their density, which is about 700 kg / m3. The lowest density differs pine and bamboo - 500 kg / m3, well, and the most paltry figure has a cork tree - 140 kg / m3.

Why is it necessary to know the weight of a cubic meter of wood?

Know how much the cube weighs on the natural boardhumidity, sometimes it is very necessary. After all, getting a building material, a simple person visually determine the required amount is quite problematic. If you have knowledge in this area, for example, the dimensions of the bar, the corresponding material and the moisture index, then calculating the weight of the purchased product will not be such a difficult task.

In the event that it does not work out how much the board weighs, it is advisable to ask the seller for help, which will help to calculate the correct amount.

Heat output of wood

How much does the cube of a dry pine board weigh?

There is another indicator that will allowit is easy to determine, for example, how much a cube of a dry pine board weighs. This parameter is heat transfer. The indicator is of no small importance for those people who use wood as a heating material. It should be noted that the thermal conductivity directly depends on the density of the wood. And the higher the hardness, the higher the thermal conductivity.

Of course, using boxwood as ano one will have heating material. However, when choosing between pine or birch, it will be possible to get much more heat if you know which rock is the hardest. According to the reference tables, you can find out information about the density of each tree.

So, starting the construction of the house,to face nuances that at first glance seem insignificant. However, not all so simple. There are certain indicators that must be taken into account when choosing wood, so as not to make a mistake with the choice and get the desired result from the planned case.

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