What dreamers will tell: what snakes are dreamed of

In ancient times, dreams were considered messagesgods, and the interpretations of these messages were taken very seriously. Now the study of dreams for the majority of the population is a kind of entertainment. At the same time, even skeptical people sometimes turn to dream books to unravel the essence of their dreams. How to know, perhaps, they really contain a "divine" message, warning against dangers or foreshadowing joy and prosperity?

Among the myriad of all kindsvisual images that open to a person during sleep are those that seem ridiculous and meaningless, but in fact are directly related to the thoughts, actions of a person, his dreams, desires or fears and unrest. That's when dream books turn out to be very convenient, which decode "divine" messages or, what is closer to the truth, the messages of our subconscious.

In this article we will talk about the possibleinterpretations of dreams, in which the snake appears. At the mention of this word the first associations that come to mind are "danger", "fear", "poison", "death". It is logical to assume that the appearance of the image of a snake in a dream will also be associated with these concepts.

On this account, researchers do not have a single pointview, some of them hold the opinion that a snake in a dream symbolizes anxiety, fear, sickness and even death. There are other, more optimistic interpretations of dreams about snakes, not to mention the interpretation of dreams by Freud.

So, what does it mean when snakes are dreamed?

Based on existing interpretations of similardreams, we divide them into several groups: dream-warnings, dreams-the characteristics of one's own self, dreams of an optimistic nature and dreams of an erotic orientation.

Why snakes? Dreams of caution

If in a dream you pass by the snakes, then youit is worth paying more attention to their own health, it is possible that you will soon be ill. In addition, such a dream warns about selfishness and the use of you by your friends.

If you are bitten by snakes in your sleep, be prepared forspiteful and hostile to active actions on the part of enemies. If the snake bows and stings you, you will not be able to resist the machinations of enemies. See how a snake stings other people - to resentment, which will soon be inflicted on a good friend.

Keep the snake in your hands - to the agonizing worries and worries that will bring minor events.

If you see many small snakes in a dream, be careful: someone will take advantage of your kindness and responsiveness for your own purposes.

A woman who sees in a dream that a dead snake is stinging her should be ready for the anger and hypocrisy of the "friend" to make her suffer.

Dream snake in the water? Be extremely careful, the troubles that soon fall on your relatives or close friends, will cause their rash actions. It is especially important to remain vigilant if in a dream you see a snake that has not yet crawled into the water, but is on the shore. Someone from a close environment wants to harm you, harming family and financial well-being.

If you see water in which snakes float, then in the future you expect melancholy moods, melancholy and sadness.

Thus, sleep with snakes warns of dangers and diseases, intrigues and intrigues, anxieties and unpleasant surprises.

Why snakes? Dreams-the characteristics of one's own self

In this respect dreams with snakes symbolize your personal qualities: insidiousness, hypocrisy, coldness and readiness to go to the intended goal, as they say, by the corpses.

The writhing snakes or snakes that attack symbolize a dishonest struggle for existence and remorse.

If you kill a snake in a dream, then in real life you will soon go to anything to recognize the importance of your surroundings.

Some dream books say that dreams withsnakes arise in man as a manifestation of his demonic essence. Such a dream can signal to you about hidden low desires, failures, fear of death, about insidiousness, envy of your "I".

Why snakes? Dreams of an optimistic nature

If you see a snake going under the water, you can count on promotion or moving to a new home.

Ancient Maya considered the image of a snake a symbolrenewal, wisdom, powerful spiritual energy. This view retains some interpretations of dreams about snakes that promise positive changes, healing, a wise look at emerging problems and doubts.

Some dream researchers say thatthe dream in which snakes appear is a harbinger of improving the social and material situation. It is possible to obtain a significant cash profit, increase the reputation, public significance.

In addition, the appearance of a snake in a dream is a symbol of the possible replenishment of the family. As a rule, it is a symbol of the birth of a son.

Why snakes? Erotic Dreams

From this point of view, the image of a snake is phallicsymbol. Such a dream symbolizes temptation, forbidden sexual relations. If in a dream you see a snake in your own bed, then in real life, most likely, you feel depressed and unprotected. You are probably inexperienced in the sexual sphere, and this causes you trouble.

If in life you are afraid of snakes, their appearance insleep testifies to fears of the opposite sex, before intimate relations or obligations to the partner. The lack of sexual relations is symbolized by a dream in which you eat a snake.

Thus, the interpretation of dreams about snakes are different. Researchers do not hold the same opinion, but express new and new assumptions. How can you not get lost in the abundance of opinions and not make mistakes, interpreting your dream? Choose the most comfortable option and tune yourself to the positive. Projecting good thoughts into your immediate future, you project your future. And only you decide how positive it will be

Well, at last I want to say this: according to a well-known evolutionary theory, in the early stages of development man was a reptile. The human brain keeps memory of all the stages of evolution, so sleep of snakes is only a manifestation of the activity of the "reptilian" brain. So it is or not, but each of us is free to treat the dream in its own way, based on personal experience and a life setting.

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