How to cook Italian cannelloni with minced meat?

The word "pasta" (Italian pasta) literallymeans "dough". Pasta has a huge variety of types of dough pasta, which differ in size, configuration and even color. Among this set stands cannelloni. With minced meat, cheese, seafood and vegetables, these famous stuffed straws have become very popular all over the world. We will learn how to cook them.

To be perfectly accurate, the finished tubulesit would be more correct to call manicotti, which literally means "muff" or "sleeve". A tube, which are obtained by folding the finished sheets - cannelloni (reed, tube).

Cannelloni with minced meat, recipe from the best Italian chefs

For this we need different ingredients.

• Cannelloni tubes 12 pcs.

• One onion,

• Garlic - 4 slices,

• Olive oil 40 ml,

• Red tomatoes 500 g,

• Beef 400 grams,

• Salt, ground black pepper - half a teaspoon,

• Milk 400 ml,

• Flour - a tablespoon with a good slide,

• Butter 30 g,

• Cheese hard aromatic varieties 100 g.

To understand the principle of this delicious dish, you need to think about what products and how to be in harmony with pasta.

The tubes should hold a shape, have a juicy filling and an appetizing crust of cheese.

Cannelloni with minced meat is usually cooked without boiling the tubes themselves. This dish always needs some thick flavored sauce.

In addition, it is clear that minced meat should be softand fairly homogeneous, without large ingredients, so that when stuffing it does not damage the test tubes themselves. Therefore, you can use a blender. To make the dish look beautiful, it is desirable that the composition of the products included sweet pepper, tomatoes, greens.

You need minced meat to make cannelloni with minced meat, which you can prepare yourself or, if you have little time, buy ready, only from reliable outlets.

Chop onion and garlic in a blender and fry a little in oil (preferably olive). Add minced meat and fry for another 10 minutes, smashing lumps of meat.

Shredded tomatoes without skins add to the toast. Salt, pepper and keep on the fire for five minutes, so that the liquid evaporates slightly, and the stuffing is not watery.

We prepare béchamel sauce for cannelloni with minced meat

In a saucepan with thick walls or in a frying pana little fry the flour in the melted butter (without waiting for a change in color). Add the cold milk gradually, mixing well, making sure that no lumps are formed. Salt the sauce. Reduce the heat and boil until thick, stirring constantly. If the sauce turns gummy, do not be afraid to add a little milk. Butter will give tenderness to this sauce.

When minced cold, stuff cannelloni tubuleswith the help of a small coffee spoon. Make sure that there is not too much mincemeat, but that there are no voids in the tubes. If you put too much minced meat, remove it from both ends of the tube so that it does not come out on its own.

In a baking dish flat and wide putCannelloni with minced meat in a row, so that the tubes are not stuck together. Pour the sauce over the béchamel, gently smooth it and send it to a hot oven for about 20 minutes.

You have time to chop the cheese (on a grater or inblender). Get still not quite ready cannelloni, sprinkle them with cheese chips and another 10 minutes continue baking in the oven. A golden cheese crust will decorate this pleasant dish.

Another version of minced meat for cannelloni

Chicken breast and mushrooms are ground and fried with onion. Cheese, grated and parsley mixed with chicken and mushrooms. With this stuffing stuff the tubes and bake under the sauce bechamel.

Another version of the cannelloni sauce

Eggplant without skins cut into slices, saltand fry in vegetable oil. Tomatoes without peel to grind and fry together with eggplant. Add the garlic, pepper, salt. Pour the tubes into a vegetable sauce and bake in the oven.

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