Marmalade from pears: simple cooking recipes at home

Marmalade, which is sold in stores, onlyin part can be called useful. Preservatives, dyes, flavors, which manufacturers often use in the production process, often lead to the appearance of allergic reactions in children. Delicious marmalade of pears at home can be cooked very quickly and from the most affordable products. Such a useful delicacy will necessarily be to the taste of both adults and children.

Soft marmalade from a pear: recipe for cooking in the oven

To obtain the desired consistency as athickener in home marmalade is added gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. However, the usual marmalade structure can also be achieved by drying the pear in the oven.

marmalade of pears

Marmalade from pears in the oven is prepared in such a sequence:

  1. Pears are washed, cleaned from the core, laid out in a glass form and sent to the oven for baking at 170 degrees for 20 minutes.
  2. Finished pears are rubbed in puree with a sieve,Once again put in a roasting dish and sent to the oven for another half an hour. It is important not to forget to stir the mashed potatoes periodically so that it does not burn out.
  3. Thick pear puree from the oven is transferred to a parchment-covered sheet and dried at 60 degrees in the oven for an hour or until the desired consistency is obtained.
  4. Ready marmalade cut into small portions and pour sugar or powder.

Delicious homemade jelly from apples and pears

Easy to prepare, but very tasty marmalade can be prepared immediately from pears and apples based on pectin.

marmalade of pear recipe

For marmalade, you will need toboiled puree from pears and apples in equal quantities (500 g), which is filled with sugar (0.3 kg) and cooked on low heat until thick consistency. Then pectin (15 g) mixed with a small amount of sugar is added to the same mass. Welded marmalade of pears and apples spread on a baking sheet with parchment and leave for a day at room temperature. In a day, the layer is turned over to the other side to clean parchment and again dried on the table for another 24 hours.

Ready marmalade cut into pieces and mix with sugar. Store in a dry glass jar until two weeks.

Pear fruit marmalade with gelatin

Delicious soft marmalade of ripe pears can beto prepare on the basis of gelatin. As a result, you will get a dessert, similar to a very tasty jelly from pear puree, which can be served even on a festive table.

Marmalade from pears on the basis of gelatin is prepared as follows:

  1. Pears (1 kg) are washed in cold water, cleaned of seeds and stems, cut into large pieces, transferred to a saucepan and filled with water.
  2. In a small bowl poured gelatin (15 g) and poured cold water (1 tbsp.).
  3. The cut pear pieces are cooked until ready, then they are transferred to a sieve or to a bowl of a blender and grinded (beat up) to the state of mashed potatoes.
  4. The cooked pear puree is returned to the pan and a swollen gelatin is injected into it directly on the stove.
  5. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, sugar is added to it (0.4 kg or to taste).
  6. Thick pear puree is transferred into a rectangular glass mold and left on the table until cooling. If there is no form of jam, you can not shift it, but leave it in a saucepan.
  7. After cooling at room temperature, marmalade of pears leaves in the refrigerator for a day.
  8. After a specified time directly in the form of marmalade cut into small pieces, pour the sugar and served at the table.

marmalade from pears at home

Here's a delicious marmalade of natural products can be cooked at home.

The recipe for marmalade from pears with agar-agar

To make pear marmalade on thisthe recipe will need: a ready puree of fruit (200 g), sugar (1 tablespoon) and agar-agar (2 tsp). It is desirable that the base for marmalade (mashed potatoes) is sufficiently liquid consistency. Therefore, pears should be juicy. If this is not the case, in puree it is better to add 30-50 ml of natural juice (apple, orange).

Agar-agar dissolve in water (for 1 h. spoon take 80 ml of water). Half the finished mashed potatoes in a pan mixed with agar-agar and put on a slow fire. Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly, then add the remaining puree. Cook for another 1 minute, then pour the marmalade on the molds and leave on the table until freezing.

Marmalade from a pear for the winter

Pear marmalade cooked on thisrecipe, in consistency very similar to thick jam. It can be served for tea or added as a filling in baking. But the taste of such a dainty, like the real marmalade, soft, tender and very fragrant. In addition, its preparation is another way to utilize ripe fruits, since it will be difficult to keep them for a long time.

marmalade from a pear for the winter

Fruit jelly from pears at home is prepared in such a sequence:

  1. Ripe and juicy fruits of summer pear varieties are washed, peeled from the stem and seeds, cut into random pieces in a pan with a thick bottom and poured over 2 cm with water above the fruit level.
  2. A pan with pears is put on a stove, water is brought with pears to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the cut fruit for about half an hour until they become very soft.
  3. Welded pears are grinded through a sieve or colander.
  4. The prepared pear puree is returned to a pan with a thick bottom, put on a small fire and boiled to a thick consistency.
  5. In a thick puree sugar is added in the proportion of 2: 1 (2 kg of pears you need to take 1 kg of sugar). Then the marmalade is stirred, and continue to cook for another 7 minutes, stirring constantly so that it does not burn.
  6. Ready marmalade is spread in pre-sterilized cans, covered with lids and rolled up with a canning key.

After cooling, the marmalade acquires a dense consistency and is cut well into pieces.

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