Fritters with squash and cheese: a simple recipe and its improvement

We are all used to semi-liquid dough pancakes withsourish sweet taste and quite oily consistency. But cooking is so rich in a variety of options, even completely familiar dishes.

pancakes with squash and cheese
Have you tasted delicious nutritious pancakes?from zucchini with cheese, garlic and sour cream? If not, you lost a lot. This simple recipe does not require much time and even products, but the result will surpass all your expectations. And even if you used to cook zucchini pancakes, the recipe with cheese will bring a zest to this dish and will give not only a new brackish taste, but also enrich it with calcium, proteins and vitamins. To do this, you need about 3 large zucchini or 6-8 dairy, 100-200 grams of hard cheese and 3 tbsp. l. flour. Salt, black pepper, sour cream, greens, vegetable oil. You can optionally add other spices: turmeric, paprika, dried basil.


pancakes from courgettes with cheese
Let's start preparing: zucchini peeled from the peel, cut out the seeds inside, my under running water, and the remaining flesh rubbed on a small grater, slightly salted and let stand for half an hour - forty minutes before the formation of juice. During this time, mine and finely chop greens, rub cheese, clean and squeeze garlic into the bowl. Now squeeze the squash from the juice, and in a dry mass, break one chicken egg, add flour, garlic, half a greens and cheese and knead the dough. If necessary, to achieve the desired consistency, you can pour flour or, on the contrary, pour a little kefir. To our pancakes with squash and cheese had time to be roasted and acquired a mouth-watering ruddy crust, first it is necessary to thoroughly oil the pan in a frying pan. Using a tablespoon, spread the dough on it and immediately form the edges so that they have the correct oval shape. Fry until ready, turn over to the other side and do the same. Pancakes with squash and cheese should be served with a special sauce: for it sour cream or mayonnaise you need to squeeze a little garlic and pour a little greens, mix thoroughly.


recipes with cheese
There is another original option, liketo cook pancakes with squash and cheese. For him, we also need tomatoes that need to be washed, peeled off and cut into thin rings. The dough is prepared completely the same way as the first variant, but the nuances are introduced into the process of frying them in a pan. When the fritters with the cheese are only beginning to turn brown on one side, we put a piece of tomato and cheese on top of them, which will melt during the heat treatment and, thus, fix the tomato layer to the product. And that such a filling was in the middle, topping up a little more dough. Pancakes with squash and cheese is an extremely variable dish, so that every mistress can perfect this recipe at her own discretion. So, instead of a tomato, you can use anything: ham, cucumber or eggplant. In any case, the combination should be very successful and make the dish even better. Bon Appetit!

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