The easiest anthill cake recipe from childhood

Shortbread dough is ideal forpreparation of various types of cookies and cakes for cakes. From it you can create culinary masterpieces, not only in the factory, but also at home, and it does not require special skills and skills. The dough is prepared very simply and quickly enough. Thus, for a very short period of time, you can cook and cookies, and a favorite cake of many an ant, the recipe of which will be given below.

To make a short dougha packet of butter or margarine, that is, at least 200 grams, a glass of sugar and flour - 600-800 g, that is 3-4 glasses. Oil or margarine must be melt a little, for this they put it in a warm place for half an hour. It is not necessary to wait for the appearance of a liquid, softness can be considered sufficient, which makes it easy to grind the mass with sugar. The mixture is brought to a homogeneous state, after which flour is added. In order to prepare an anthill cake later, the recipe can be slightly varied by adding an egg. One egg will be enough. After thorough mixing into the dough, a disintegrant is added (you can simply mix citric acid and baking soda in your hand), mix again, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for an hour.

Prepare an anthill cake, a recipe test forwhich has already been brought, you need from a scrolled through a meat grinder or grated through a large grater dough, so you do not need to restrain it in the freezer. Otherwise, you have to wait until the lump of a little podtaet, which in itself replaces the process.

Scrolling the dough through a meat grinder, you cancook both cake and cookies. The only difference is that for biscuits you need to cut off the coming out straw more often. For a cake, on the contrary, it is better to make straw as long as possible to make it easier to break. Still, an anthill cake can be made from cookies, the recipe is the same, all the difference is in convenience. If there is no desire to twist the dough or rub it, then simply cut out the fancy figures with the help of shapes or a conventional knife. It is necessary to try, if the house has children, because for them it will be an additional reason for tea drinking.

In any case, the dough is baked at 180 ° C untilthe appearance of a crispy crust. It is important not to overdo it so that the biscuits do not turn out. If the goal was cookie preparation, then at this stage the process can be considered complete, however, it will be necessary to tinker if an anthill cake was conceived. The recipe requires that the resulting dough be broken manually into small pieces. Separately it is necessary to prepare the cream, adding boiled condensed milk to the beaten cream butter. When the mass is uniform and lush, it is mixed with the cooked pieces and stacked with a slide.

In the same way, an anthill is also prepared. The recipe does not differ, however, it is recommended to make smaller pieces, since in this case it will resemble a cake in miniature.

In some cases, the cream is prepared without creamyBut then more condensed milk is needed, and impregnation will get worse. Regardless of whether the cake or cake ant hive recipe has been reproduced, it is worth decorating the pastry with chocolate, grated nuts, powdered sugar and other. On a children's holiday it is better to make a cake in the form of a bear's head, make an inscription and do not forget about decorative candles.

Even if the shortbread cookie is left, and no onewants to eat it, you need to make an anthill cake from a cookie. The recipe is already told, it remains only to show imagination in the design, because the hill is a classic, from which you can retreat, especially in cooking.

The main rule in the preparation of cake or cake for this recipe is not immediately, because the cream must be absorbed into the sand closely. Otherwise, the taste will be completely different.

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