Cooking stuffed ham

So, we are preparing the whole leg for stuffing. The recipe I want to offer is interesting with the availability of all the ingredients, as well as its versatility. It also suits if you are going to do chicken leg stuffed with mushrooms. In addition, the result, if you follow the recipe thoroughly, is invariably excellent. Of course, you will have to do a little more than usual recipes, but the praise from your household will be your reward.

We get out of the "bins" chicken legs (6 pieces) andquarter kilo of chicken fillet. If you do not have chicken, but there is, for example, turkey, it will do. Yes, at least take beef, and it is also very good for this recipe.

Our number of legs except the fillet will haveprepare a couple of eggs, a quarter liter of cream, mustard - a teaspoon, pepper and salt. On the sauce will go a glass of broth or a glass of white wine, two large onions, fragrant herbs and again 150 ml of cream.

If the whole set of ingredients you have available,it's time to start preparing our hamstring stuffed. We feed the shank's meat and gently, helping with the knife, separating it from the bone. Now carefully cut out of the thighs both bones. Ideally we should have an empty leg, with meat and skin, but without bones. Do not throw away the bones, we still need them. Now finely chop the onions and fry in olive oil, adding fragrant herbs. We throw in the frying pan the bones preserved from the previous stage and also fry them. Add salt and pepper, pour in the cream, put on a slow fire, stew.

Now you can return to the stuffing. Fillet chopped into small pieces and thrown into a blender. There we send eggs, a spoonful of mustard, salt, pepper and pour in cream. We make paste out of all this.

When stuffing is ready, take a pastry bag, orIf you do not have a bag, an ordinary bag with a cut off corner will come off. We put the end of the confectioner's bag or the cut corner of the package into the leg and pound the stuffing there as tightly as possible. Half of the case is done, the whole leg is stuffed "get flesh," if I may say so.

Next we make a tricky feint and every stuffedThe leg is wrapped in a food film with a sweet, as if we make sausage from a chicken. You can roll the resulting roll on the table to drive out of it the excess air that will interfere with us.

At the edges of the sausages we make nodules or pull themtheir thread, as you like. The main thing is tightly packed all the legs, air pockets should not be. We put the resulting rolls in a steamer on a water bath. Steaming stuffed legs should be about 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the legs: the larger the chicken, the longer they will have to "bathe". Do not forget to cover the steamer. Those who do not have a steamer while on the premises can recommend two pots instead. In one, water should boil, and the second, with a slightly smaller size, is put on top as a lid. Well, if you do not have two pans, then you just have to bake a leg in the oven. Put them in shape, fill with broth and cover with foil.

Now we have time for the sauce. We take out the bones from the pan and put them in a sieve, let them drain, all that has flowed from them, pour back into the pan, if necessary, add salt and pepper. Boil the sauce over medium heat, it should not be too liquid.

While he comes, you can take care of the side dish. It is best to eat meat with mashed potatoes. We cook it without zatey, boil, grind and boil with cream.

And here it is the moment of culmination - we get ourwe remove them from the film and see what happened. The smell should be simply wonderful, and if you cut the leg, the surrounding ones will be drowned by saliva only from one kind of this deliciousness.

Serve on the table with a side dish, if you still decide to make a garnish is not mashed, but something else, the result will still be terrific.

By the way, as an experiment, you can try adding minced mushrooms or something else, for example, to make a whole leg stuffed with prunes.

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