Italian pasta: a recipe with chicken, mushrooms and cream, as well as a dietary option with tomatoes and basil

Pasta with chicken, a recipe with photos andthe technology of preparation which you will find in our article is a traditional Italian dish. It can be both festive and everyday, and is nothing more than boiled pasta, spaghetti (and other similar flour products), topped with a sauce based on vegetables, herbs, spices and meat. In Italy and around the world, there are thousands of ways to make such a gravy. Read further on how to prepare the pasta (recipe with chicken).

White meat is considered the most dietary, soless contains a sufficient amount of protein and essential amino acids. If you follow a diet, boil the pasta made from durum wheat, and pour a delicious sauce of chicken breasts, tomatoes and basil. And if you just want to have a delicious dinner, you can cook gravy from white meat, mushrooms and cream. Either way, the pasta (a recipe with chicken and other ingredients described below) will turn out to be delicious and nutritious and will certainly please all members of your family. This dish does not take long to prepare (especially recipe number 2). For sauce and cooking spaghetti, you will take about 30 minutes, and in the end you will get a delicious dinner.

pasta recipe with chicken

A recipe for pasta with chicken, mushrooms and cream

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

- 500 g of chicken meat, it is better to take the breasts;
- 500 g of mushrooms, for example, champignons;
- 2 chicken eggs;
- 100 g of hard cheese;
- 4 fresh tomatoes;
- half a small head of onions;
- A handful of finely chopped green onions and 2 cloves of garlic;
- 1 tbsp. l. butter;
- half a liter of low-fat (10%) cream;
- 500 g pasta pipe rigate or other pasta to your taste.

recipe for pasta with chicken

First boil the pasta as indicated on thepack. This will prepare the paste. Recipe with chicken means that you should cut the meat into small pieces, add chopped onions and fry in a small amount of oil 7-10 minutes. In a separate frying pan already in butter should fry the mushrooms with the garlic squeezed in them, all salt and pepper. With a tomato peel off (for this, dip them into boiling water for a few seconds), and then cut into rings. In the final stage of preparation of pasta with chicken should be baked in the oven, so for the filling, whisk to uniformity of cream and eggs, and salt and sprinkle with a small amount of pepper. When everything is ready, put half of the boiled flour products on a greased baking sheet, and then with layers - chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes, green onions, cover with the second half of the pasta. Top with a mixture of cream and eggs and sprinkle with grated cheese. Send the baked in the oven (the temperature should be 180-200 degrees) for 15 minutes. As a result, you will get pasta with a filling, covered with a delicious cheese crust. Thanks to its beautiful appearance, this dish can be served for a family celebration.

Pasta: recipe with chicken, tomatoes and basil

Compared with the previous cooking optionthis dish takes half your time and will be a great dinner even for those who follow a diet. In its composition there are no creams and similar high-calorie components, only vegetables and lean meat. For cooking you will need:

- 300 g of chicken meat (breast);
- 1 small onion;
- several cloves of garlic;
- half a can of canned tomatoes;
- a bunch of fresh basil;
- pasta to your taste;
- a little olive oil, salt and spices.

pasta with chicken recipe with photo

Chicken breasts must be cut into smallpieces, onion and garlic finely chop. First, in olive oil fry the vegetables, it should take no more than 5 minutes, then put the chicken on the same frying pan. Stir, cook another 5 minutes, then add tomatoes and finely chopped basil. Sauce should be added and peppered, leave to languish on a small fire for about 30 minutes. At the same time you can boil the pasta. When everything is ready, put the products on a plate and pour the right amount of sauce. Such a paste (recipe with chicken) is sure to please all members of your family. It can cook even the busiest housewife, because for this you need only 30 minutes to spend in the kitchen. And how happy are those close to this Italian dinner!

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