"Lobio from red beans", a recipe for cooking.

Lobio is a traditional spicy dishGeorgian cuisine from beans, widely known and loved, by the way, far beyond the Caucasus. Recipe lobio from red beans is a recipe for national Georgian cuisine. Beans are not only a source of healthy protein, it is, first of all, an inexpensive, affordable and very nutritious product, it often replaces vegetarians, as well as people who keep fasting, meat products. Beans, as in meat, a lot of vitamins and trace elements, and the protein, which is so rich in this bean plant, is much easier to digest by the body than the "heavy" meat.

Lobio from red beans, whose recipeimplies sharp spices and garlic, but it is also well absorbed. Preparing a dish of already boiled bean beans. To make them faster welded, they must first be soaked for at least six hours, or better even for a whole night. During this time, if possible, you need to change water a couple of times. To sort beans beans better after they lay in the water, so it will be better to see cracks and "sores".

Cook the beans under the closed lid on a slowfire for several hours. Sometimes during cooking it is necessary to add water, as the liquid quickly evaporates, and the bean can remain still solid. For lobio beans, it is preferable to digest beans so that some grains even fall apart. Taste of this lobio can be achieved with the help of a variety of Georgian spices, a lot of onions, garlic, ripe tomatoes. For lobio of red beans, the recipe of which can vary depending on the locality and region of residence, most often use specific greens of coriander, celery leaves, basil, parsley, leek, dill. Of the spices are excellent for different peppers - black, red, white, hops-suneli, saffron, cloves, dry garlic. By the way, more dietary dish from beans will be lobio from green beans, which is prepared from green young bean pods. His recipe is not much different from the traditional lobio, except for the maturity of the bean itself.

Lobio from red beans, recipe

For the national Georgian hot dish for four persons, let's take:

- red beans - a pound;

- onions - two large heads;

- vegetable oil - four tablespoons;

- fresh green coriander - a small bunch;

- Hot red pepper - one pod;

- red wine vinegar - three tablespoons;

- garlic - four teeth;

- ground black pepper, ground coriander, salt - to taste.

Washed red beans, previously soaked incold water at night, put the cook until done. When the beans become completely soft, we will salt the remaining water, until the broth is poured out, leave it in a saucepan. Onion finely cut and fry in oil until golden brown. Add the beans cooked until soft. Garlic clean and crush garlic. We mix it with salt, ground coriander, finely chopped cilantro and wine vinegar. Add all this mixture in the pan with the cooking lobio. Burn the red pepper into small squares, removing the seeds beforehand. Pepper should be added to the ready-made lobio, so that it gives away its fragrance, but does not make the dish too hot.

Some cooks add walnuts to theLobio from red beans, this recipe is no less interesting, the dish acquires a piquant and refined taste. To do this, take a glass of walnuts, they twist through a meat grinder and dilute the broth in which the beans were brewed. If, for some reason, you have drained the broth or do not want to use it, you can replace it with a pair of tomatoes, peeled and grated. Instead of wine vinegar, you can also use tkemali juice. Bon Appetit!

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