Delicate curd cream for cake: recipe

Most people associate a festive table withthe presence of cake. Of course, the most delicious biscuit will be the one that is prepared by own hands. Despite the fact that this batch is quite high-calorie, if you prepare a curd cream for a cake that has a delicate taste and is also extremely useful, then a piece of it can be tried even by those who watch their shape.

Recipes for this dessert can differ not only in proportions, but also in ingredients. The most popular ones are described below.

Curd cream for cake

To make a cottage cheese cream for a cake,You will need 300 grams of cream cheese (it is better to take Mascarpone), a pack of cottage cheese, half a cup of fat cream, 150 grams of sugar. If desired, you can add chocolate to the cream. To do this, grind grinds 50 grams of this delicacy.

The cream is whipped until thickened with a mixer or blender.

Carefully add the rest of the ingredients here. In this case cheese with cottage cheese is recommended to be wiped. Such cottage cheese cream for a cake will approach for a biscuit baking. It is recommended that the corn is smeared beforehand and left for a while, so that they are impregnated.

How to make a cream

On top of the cake can be decorated with flowers ororiginal ornament. To do this, add dyes to the cream part (you can use the purchased ones or do it yourself, for example, red color can be achieved by adding a drop of beet juice).

Using a pastry syringe, the decorations are applied to the top layer of the cake.

Talking about how to prepare a curd cream,should pay attention to such a recipe. 9 plates of gelatin soak. Two packets of cottage cheese (it is recommended to take low-fat) mix with a glass of sugar and juice of two lemons. Combine the ingredients. The resulting mass is divided into two parts. One of them combines with fresh mashed potatoes (you can take also canned fruits) of apricots, and the other - with raspberry or strawberry jam. Prepared, cut into several plates, biscuit promazyvaetsya received cream consistently with both fillings.

How to make a cream cheese

One of the most favorite pastries of many ispancake cake. It is prepared fairly simply. First you need to bake delicate pancakes. To do this, you can follow the next instruction. Three eggs are beaten with a whisk with a tablespoon of sugar. Gradually, 3 glasses of milk are poured into the received mass, put on a pinch of salt and soda. Flour is poured in the last turn. Approximately it will need 2 cups, however, the proportions can vary. In a hot frying pan, tender pancakes are baked (it's better to make them thinner).

In order to get delicious pastries, moreyou need to make a cream cheese cake. It will require sugar powder (to taste) and 100 grams of sour cream. Cottage cheese can be taken as usual, but you can replace it with vanilla cheeses (4 pieces of 100 grams). The ingredients are mixed. The resulting mass of missed pancakes.

Mistresses who wonder "how to makecurd cream ", as a result they choose their own version of the recipe, which is closer to them.And experimenting with proportions and ingredients, you can get a new taste that everyone will like.

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