Delicious cucumbers for the winter

How nice to open the cold winter eveninga jar of fragrant pickled cucumbers and crunchy with them. They will remind you about the last summer and give a lot of vitamins to the body. Many housewives do billets every summer and autumn. And an honorable place among them is occupied by cucumbers for the winter. Today, there are many original recipes for their preparation. Each hostess chooses the ones that are most successful in her work.

Cucumbers for the winter in a sweet marinade

For the preparation of such a blank,a clean and dry jar of dill twigs, an onion, several currant leaves, peeled garlic cloves, a laurel, a handful of peppercorns. Then the cucumbers themselves fit into the can. In each jar you need to pour 4 tablespoons of vinegar per liter. Only after this, everything is poured with a specially prepared marinade. Sterilize the jars for about 10 minutes, until the cucumber is olive-colored. As a result, close the cucumbers with boiled lids very tightly, and then turn the jar, putting it on the lid. So keep the pickle until it cools.

For marinade, you need to pour 1,5 tablespoons of large salt and 3 more spoons of sugar per liter of water. This mixture is brought to a boil.

These cucumbers are incredibly delicious. And they can stand not only in winter, but also all spring until the new harvest!

Pickled cucumbers for the winter with currants

This way you can salt not only cucumbers, but tomatoes. Then the vegetables will please the whole winter.

Another recipe implies that insterilized clean cans fold currant leaves, peeled horseradish, cherry leaves, as well as laurel, sweet peas, several cloves of garlic. Still here put a few branches of dill, oak leaves, 2 halves of a peeled bulb. Only after this, you need to lay cucumbers in a jar, as tightly as possible, and between them you need to lay whole branches with red currant berries.

The pot must be poured with boiling water, which throughhalf an hour should be drained into a saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of salt to the water from a three-liter jar. All boil, the resulting brine pour the cans. In each of them it is necessary to top a spoonful of essence. As a result, the pickle is rolled up, turned over and wrapped until the banks cool down.

Cucumbers for the winter with celery

Marinated cucumbers always have a delicious taste. In addition, they are perfect for any meat dish. For this recipe you need to take (per liter jar):

  • neat cucumbers;
  • a spoonful of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 spoons of vinegar (it is desirable that it was 9%);
  • celery (exclusively green);
  • umbrellas of dill;
  • leaves of cherry and currant;
  • a laurel;
  • 3 cloves garlic;
  • fragrant pepper;
  • black peppercorns.

At 8 o'clock all the cucumbers need to be filled with coldwater. Only then they are washed and cut off "tails". All spices and herbs are put in cans, and cucumbers are already on top. All this is poured with boiling water, and after 7 minutes it merges into a separate pan.

To prepare the marinade, the pan isfire and add salt, sugar and vinegar. Only then cucumbers are poured with brine (about 0.5 l of marinade leaves per one jar). The pickle is rolled up and turned upside down.

Such cucumbers for the winter are delicious incredible. They will please the whole family and will certainly become the original decoration of any table.

Emerald cucumbers for the winter

On one three-liter jar of tasty cucumbers in the emerald will require:

  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a little citric acid (about 10g);
  • 2 spoons of vodka.

It is better, if all the cucumbers for pickling will besmall and fresh. They should be soaked overnight in cold water. Banks are prepared separately: they should be washed and sterilized. Separately boil the water in a saucepan.

If necessary, different types of banksherbs and spices, and on top - cucumbers. They are poured with boiling water for a quarter of an hour. The water is drained and boiled again. As soon as cucumbers are poured again with boiling water, sugar, lemon acid and vodka are added to the jar. Pickle rolls up and cools in an inverted form.

No salt is added to the jars. However, cucumbers are incredibly delicious and are stored for a very long time.

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