How to store a pumpkin? We learn all the ways

The value of a pumpkin is too heavy to exaggerate. This vegetable is useful to everyone and in any form: raw, boiled, steamed, baked. Therefore, each hostess, harvesting a fall harvest in the garden, thinks about how to store a pumpkin, so that it saves a maximum of vitamins and useful elements. This article is devoted to the following article. We will consider a variety of options for storing orange vegetables. Prepare to memorize them or write down in your notebook with useful tips.

how to store a pumpkin

How to store a pumpkin for the winter in a fresh state?

For long-term savings, fruits are suitable withoutexternal damage and absolutely ripe. The color of such a vegetable is richly yellow, orange or red (this depends on the variety). Keep the pumpkin preferably in a cool dry place. Most of all, a basement or an enclosed balcony is suitable for this. In the countryside, a barn can become such a place, provided that during the frost in it the air temperature remains positive. In a room under the bed, you can also save this vegetable for several months.

how much can you store a pumpkin
The humidity in the room, where the fruits lie,should be 80-85%. The temperature regime should be maintained within 10-25 degrees. Put the pumpkin on a layer of hay or straw, leaving spaces between the vegetables. If the winter is frosty, then overlay and cover all the fruits with the same materials.

Orange vegetable spoils quickly if exposed to sunlight. So if you keep it on the balcony, cover all the fruit with a veil.

How much can you keep a pumpkin whole fruits? If all the above conditions are met, the vegetable can be stored until the very spring. And this is a total of 6-7 months.

How to store a pumpkin in a cut form?

There are several ways to save this healthy vegetable. Let us consider them in more detail.

  • Frost. Fruit cut and cleaned of seeds. Cut the flesh into pieces, fold it into a plastic bag or plastic sachet (for food) and put it in the freezer. Within 9-10 months with such storage in the pumpkin, all useful nutritional properties are preserved.
  • how to store a pumpkin for the winter
    Drying. Cut the vegetables into slices 1 cm thick. In a saucepan, boil the water, dip the pumpkin slices into it for a minute, take it out to a colander and drain the water. Place the plates on a baking sheet and put in an oven or electric dryer. Set the temperature of the device at 60 degrees and then gradually increase it to 80 degrees. When the vegetable is completely dried, leave it until completely cooled. Fold the pumpkin slices in a tissue pouch or plastic container and store at room temperature. The bottom of the sack is pre-coated with paper soaked in wax. Take care that moisture does not fall into the containers, in which lie the dry pieces of the vegetable. Fruits processed in this way are stored for up to 1 year, preserving all vitamins in their composition.

How to store a pumpkin? You already know the answer to this question. It turns out that this is absolutely insufferable. Try to save as much as possible fruits of this medicinal vegetable. Until the very spring you can cook delicious cereals, mashed potatoes and juices from it.

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