Black leaf tea: how useful and how to brew

Black tea - popular in our countryTonic beverage, which has high taste and aromatic properties. Tea replenishes the body's strength, relieves fatigue, quenches thirst even in hot weather, improves well-being. For this his many centuries are loved all over the world. The most valuable is black leaf tea.

black leaf tea
The technological scheme of its production includes several successive stages.


To prepare tea leaf forfurther processing. When the moisture evaporates, the area, volume and weight of the leaf decrease, and the turgor decreases. Withering can be natural and artificial. In the first method, the tea leaves are spread thinly on a flat surface, the process takes 18 hours at an air temperature of 25 degrees. For the artificial method, special knotting devices are used. The process takes up to 8 hours with an air temperature of 40 degrees.


Twisting of tea leaves in a tube is madewith the help of special machines - rollers. As a result of this operation, the sheet surface becomes mechanically damaged, the cellular juice flows to the surface and envelops the tea leaves from the outside. The formation of acids and esters also begins, the color of the leaves varies from green to copper.


The time of this stage is 4-8 hours. The first phase of fermentation proceeds from the beginning of the twisting process, the second takes place in a special room at room temperature, very high humidity (up to 96 percent) and a constant supply of oxygen. As a result, the leaf becomes dark brown, the aroma and taste qualities improve.


It is conducted in order to stopenzymatic processes and biochemical reactions. After drying, the tea leaves become black, the content of essential oils decreases by 80%. The tea is dried first at 95 degrees to a humidity of 18%, and then at a temperature of 80-85 degrees to a residual humidity of 4 percent.

black leaf tea


When sorting, leaf leaves separated frombroken, delicate - from more solid. As a result of this process, black leaf tea is divided into large and small (broken). Leaf tea is already divided into leaf one (from the kidney and the first leaf), the second and third (from the second and third leaf of the flush, respectively)

The Benefits of Black Tea

Black leaf tea contains many usefulsubstances in the composition. So, for example, it has carotene - provitamin A, which is responsible for the eyesight, skin, nails and hair health, as well as for the proper functioning of the body systems.

Contained in tea and vitamins B, so pay attention to such a drink is for people with diabetes, gout, peptic ulcer.

black leaf tea

Vitamin C is partially lost in the production of tea, but is also contained in a certain amount in the finished product.

Very high levels of vitamin P in black tea. Its function is to protect cells from free radicals, restore their structure, slow the aging process, normalize the pressure. And also this vitamin does not allow to break down molecules of hyaluronic acid.

In addition, other substances protect the bodyfrom allergic reactions, support immunity, have antibacterial properties. Black leaf tea is also indicated for diseases of the oral cavity, for example stomatitis. And what's more important, it tones it better than any coffee!

Tea time: how to brew black leaf tea?

In order to maximize the benefits ofthis healing drink, you need to know all the nuances of the process. How to brew black tea leaf? Firstly, the brewing time depends on the type of tea and the hardness of the water used, but on average it is from 5 to 15 minutes. Before use, the pure teapot is rinsed with boiling water. Secondly, there is a rule: the amount of tea spoons should be measured at the rate of 1 teaspoon of black tea per 1 cup of water in a kettle, plus one additional spoon.

how to properly brew tea black leaf
First, the tea leaves are allowed to lie down for 5 minutes in a kettle, then poured with water with a temperature of about 70 degrees. They are allowed to brew, pour into cups and enjoy a drink.

So, black leaf tea, in addition to its ownunsurpassed flavor and aromatic qualities, has also a lot of useful properties. It's not for nothing that the English are in the habit of having tea every day at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. It's time for us to introduce into the tradition the daily use of at least a cup of a fragrant drink.

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