The recipe for lemon cake

Sometimes, especially in summer, you want somethinglight, fresh and do not want traditional sweets. What to cook, if the celebration happened in the summer? Do not stay at all without a cake. There is one excellent way - to prepare a fruit cake, for example, by taking a recipe for lemon cake: a thin and fresh lemon flavor refreshes even the most high-calorie pastries.

How to cook lemon cake? There are many answers to this question, and there is more than one recipe for lemon cake. Most likely, it will be an air biscuit dough, but instead of the usual we use lemon cream for the cake, and the result will be excellent and absolutely unlike what we did before.

The dough is made as follows: We take 4 eggs, a glass of sugar, a glass of flour, vanilla sugar and a little salt. In flour, you can add one or two tablespoons of starch - biscuit will be more elastic and tender. Protein is separated from the yolks and put in the refrigerator. Yolks carefully rub with sugar until the sugar dissolves. There is one little trick: if you take the powdered sugar, the process of whipping yolks with sugar will decrease very significantly. Add vanilla sugar and salt, mix with sifted flour. Separately beat whipped proteins, adding a few drops of lemon juice in them, until the elastic foam is formed and we introduce a lush mass into the dough, gently but carefully stirring. Some housewives do not separate eggs and immediately beat them with sugar - this can also be done, but the likelihood that the biscuit will turn out significantly decreases. As you can see, at this stage the recipe for lemon cake does not differ from the others.

But the lemon cream for the cake can be different. Those who closely monitor their diet and prefer light foods, like the recipe for a lemon cake with yoghurt cream. For this cream, we need 300 grams of low-fat yogurt, 100 grams of sugar, one lemon, 30 grams of gelatin and a glass of fatty cream for whipping. Such a cake should be prepared in a form with high sides.

Yogurt is mixed with sugar until its fulldissolving, gelatin soak in 100 grams of water. In yogurt, add the lemon, chopped whole to a puree state (this can be done in a blender). Whisk the cream until a dense mass. When the gelatin is dissolved, pour it into the yoghurt mixture, mix thoroughly and add the whipped cream with constant stirring.

Such cream can be applied on top of a whole cortex, andyou can make an interlayer of it, cutting the cake in half. In this case, at the bottom of the baking dish, you will need to leave half of the cake and put the resulting mass on it, after a while, when the mixture is sealed, covering the second half. You can decorate a cake at your discretion. For example, with a lemon taste perfectly combines the taste of chocolate.

There is still a very interesting recipe for lemon cakewith semolina cream, and, that in the cream is semolina, it is very difficult to guess. For him, you need to take a glass of milk, which is brewed thick and very sweet semolina porridge from 2 tablespoons of flour and 100 grams of sugar, which then is added a lemon, crushed, as in the previous recipe, and a packet of oil. This cream should thicken, like the previous, preferably in a form and in a cold place. It turns out very tasty and unusual. This recipe for lemon cake suggests pouring it over chocolate glaze, but it's not necessary - you can do it the way you like it.

You can also make a cake with fruit, filledlemon jelly - it will generally be very simple, easy and tasty. You can not even cook the jelly yourself, and buy a bag in the store, but the smell is still tastier. Fill the jelly with fruit jelly the same way as in the previous recipes, right in the form.

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