Dough for pies as art

For a long time it is known and there is no doubt that fact,that such pies, as long as bake in Russia, there is nowhere else in the world. What only did not use the hostess to create a lush, "live" dough for pies. Sour milk, sour cream, yeast, beer, bran-yeast starter ... Even in the Great Lent, when the use of most products was strictly regulated, the skilled housewives indulged in home-made lean pies, pies, pies, the taste of which is just as good as the quick.

Lean dough for pies is a special art. The hostess who has mastered it, will always be able to cook delicious pastries, using for her the simplest, but very useful products. Let's learn how to make this dough.

To put the most simple lean dough for pies, we need:

  • slightly more kilograms of flour;
  • 2 cups of heated water;
  • two-thirds of a glass of fragrant vegetable oil;
  • 40 g yeast;
  • salt - about one teaspoon.

First put the spit. To do this, dissolve the yeast in half a glass of warm water, add a spoonful of flour. When this mixture is well foamed, we mix all the ingredients, mix it well, heat it up, leave it in a warm place. When the dough starts to rise, well it is kneaded. So you need to repeat two or three times. Only then can you make a pie.

We put a baking dish on a warm plate, lubricate it with oil, leave it to heat up. Lean dough for pies, however, like any other, you need to spread on a heated form.

From the bulk of the dough, we separate a small piece,we form from it a bottom for a pie. For this, the dough is rolled into a layer about a centimeter thick. Carefully we transfer it to the baking sheet for baking, lay out the filling. For the closed pie we roll out one more layer, but it is thinner, we cover the filling with it. To steam during baking does not tear the pie, fork with a few punctures.

"Cover" of the pie can be decorated with figures,cut out their test: leaves, relief strips, stars or flowers. Surface lubricate strong tea leaves, send the cake to the oven, the temperature of which is 180 ° C. We check the readiness with the help of a wooden knitting needle. We remove the prepared pie, moisten its surface with warm water with the help of a culinary brush, cover it and give it a "rest". You can please loved ones.

A few words about the filling. This pie dough is suitable for any lean stuffing. It can be prepared, for example, from buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, stewed cabbage, peas, rice and onions. But I'm a sweet tooth, so most of all I like lean pie with a poppy filling. For its preparation, I twist a well-cooked poppy with sugar in a blender. Sometimes I add a little nuts or lemon juice. It turns out fragrant, tasty. And sugar can be replaced with honey.

To make the dough for pies especiallywhite, plastic, instead of regular water, rice decoction is recommended. And from boiled rice, you can make a filling: fry the onions, mushrooms, mix them with rice, add spices.

Lean dough for pies or pies can be prepared according to another recipe without using yeast. The fresh dough is prepared this way.

We put on the cutting table a slide of threeglasses of flour, we make a hole in it. We start pouring into this hole a steep salted boiling water (one and a half cups), stirring the flour with a spatula. The dough is kneaded for a long time, so that it begins to fall away from the hands. Then we roll into a ball, sprinkle with flour, wrap it, leave it for half an hour. After that, we knead the dough, adding flour if necessary. We form pies, put them on a warm baking tray, cover with a towel and give "distance" about a quarter of an hour. Lubricate the surface with vegetable oil, then send them to a very hot oven. A few minutes, and you can please your home with your culinary delights.

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