Yeast dough for pies

Many, of course, know what the red hut is. The smell of pies testifies to the peace in the house and the hospitality of the owners, about the prosperity in the family and the good hands of the mistress. And what is the glory of the skilful mistress who knows how to prepare a yeast dough for pies, and then to please the household and guests with all sorts of kulebyaks or kurikovks, grandmothers or Easter cakes! Many, however, frighten the efforts to prepare the dough, but this is nothing compared to the waiting glory.

The process of preparing the dough can evolve byseveral directions. Let's show how the yeast dough for pies and several of its variants are prepared. In classical cooking, there are two basic ways of preparing the test: spicy and unpaired. The components for the dough and their quantity may vary slightly, but in the overwhelming majority of housewives the following products are used: four glasses of flour, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, about a quadruple of fat, one or two eggs, about a glass of water or milk. Fat can be used almost any - from vegetable to butter, someone uses smalets. Of this amount of raw materials, about one kilogram of baking is obtained.

The steamed dough. Before kneading the dough, raw materials are prepared for it. The liquid (water or milk) is heated up to 40 degrees, taking into account the fact that when the connection with the rest of the components the temperature decreases. Yeasts are bred in a separate vessel in a small amount of unheated liquid, otherwise they may die. To increase the activity of yeast, you can dissolve them beforehand in warm water and add a little sugar. Salt and sugar are also diluted separately, followed by filtration of the solution through a sieve.

Then all the solutions are mixed and there tooeggs are added. Everything is mixed with flour and mixed for several minutes. In order to make the yeast dough for pies crumbly, at the end of the batch is added the melted fat. As soon as the dough begins to lag behind hands and dishes, kneading is stopped, the dishes are closed with a lid and put in a warm place. When the volume of the test is doubled, it is kneaded. The end of fermentation is determined by the fact that the volume of the dough has increased by more than two times, and it has a pleasant smell of a "ripe" test.

Now you know how to make yeast doughfor pies in an unarmed way. With the sponge-type method, everything starts with an opaque - a batter with half the norm of flour. This method is used for a large number of muffins. When the oar is completely thrown out, all the baking (fat, eggs, salt, sugar, flavorings) and the rest of the flour are added to it. During normal fermentation, the dough will rise evenly, without breaks. The process will take about two hours. During this time, the dough should be kneaded a couple of times.

You can make a yeast dough for pies, as withslowed down, and with the accelerated process of fermentation. The essence of the delayed process is that the opara is prepared on a liquid with a temperature of about 10 degrees. Opara is kneaded in the evening and left for the night. In the morning, sugar and oil are heated to 60 degrees and mixed with opaque and then with flour. With accelerated fermentation, the amount of yeast increases three times against normal.

The finished dough is cut depending on thethe final product into pieces of a certain size. Each piece is rolled into a ball and left to proof. Then the products are formed from the balls (pies, cheesecake, etc.), which are laid on the baking tray with a seam down. Before baking, each product is smeared with egg yolk to give shine. Baking time depends on the type of product and its size.

Rarely, who from housewives will risk adding toyeast dough sour cream, considering that leaven yields enough acid. This, of course, so, but yeast dough on sour cream with the addition of soda turns out very elastic and airy. For pasty pies, this dough fits as well as possible. Perhaps, it is the non-standard approach in cooking that helps to create masterpieces, which are remembered for a long time and whose recipes are passed as a family secret from generation to generation. Experiment with the composition of the dough and fillings and even with the baking temperature! Excellent results will create a halo of the magician-cook, and the bad ones will quickly be forgotten.

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