Cottage cheese casserole in the oven - dessert from childhood

Cottage cheese casserole is one of your favorite treatssmall children, and for moms it is also a useful dish that kids absorb with pleasure. For some reason, not all young mothers bake, because of any circumstances, such a dish. Under the circumstances, many indicate only a few reasons: "I can not," "there is no time," and even "I do not want." I would like to give a few arguments in favor of the casserole, in order to convince moms and tell about the benefits of this dessert.

To begin with, we note that the cottage cheese is being preparedcasserole in the oven, because for both children's and adult body baked dishes are much more useful than, for example, fried. And as for the ingredients that you can put in the casserole, there are a lot of them. Today, the recipes for preparing dessert are a huge amount, and you can prepare a casserole from your baby's favorite foods. It can be a pumpkin, and porridge, and vermicelli, and fruit. My children are very fond of a dish called cottage cheese casserole with a banana. The recipe for this product is simple, the time you spend on cooking is minimal. But the joy you will experience when you see how appetizing your daughters eat dessert is inexpressible.

For casserole you will need low-fat cottage cheese(450-500 g), egg (2 pcs.), Brown sugar (100 g), banana (1 pc.), Semolina, oil, salt. Beat eggs, gradually add sugar, then cottage cheese, mix the whole mixture well and add a little salt. Be sure to grease the baking sheet with butter or semolina (to ensure that the casserole does not stick). Oven to warm up to 180 degrees. Banana cut into dough and put the dish to bake for 40 minutes. Cottage cheese casserole in the oven turns rosy, tender. After the oven is off, leave the dessert in it for a short while.

Steam or microwave oven also turns outa wonderful cottage cheese casserole. The recipe in the microwave, presented below, is even easier than cooking a dish in the oven. To make it, you need to take a glassware, which is intended for microwave ovens. If there is a lid to it, this is an excellent option, since the lid will not let the dessert dry, and it will turn out juicy and soft. To make a casserole in a microwave oven, you need a curd, previously crushed with a fork, into which you need to pour 4 tbsp. l sugar and 2 tbsp. l semolina or corn flour, drive into the mixture 2 eggs and add a spoonful of butter. In order for the casserole to be lush, put a half teaspoon of soda into the mixture. In the microwave oven, the dish is cooked literally for eight minutes. You can serve with honey or sour cream.

Returning to the question of how useful curdcasserole in the oven, I would like to emphasize the following: the main component in this dessert is cottage cheese. As you know, this product is the richest source of protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and many other substances vital for maintaining health. Therefore, cottage cheese casserole in the oven helps maintain normal development, strengthen and grow bones and muscles in the child's body.

We really hope that young mothers will listento our advice and will often cook delicious baby casseroles, experimenting with the addition of various fruits, nuts, honey, sour cream and other useful products. Thanks to this diet, you will be sure that your baby will grow up a strong, healthy baby. And do not forget that cottage cheese is useful not only for children, but also necessary for an adult organism. Pamper yourself and your loved ones, friends, guests, try various recipes that are presented by us and not only, and you will see what masterpieces you can create from ordinary cottage cheese. Have a nice appetite for you and your family!

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