We prepare the wine from the currant at home: the recipe

It is possible to say with full certainty that manyhome wines by their characteristics are better than those that stand on store shelves. One of the most preferred wines is a blackcurrant drink. Tough ruby ​​color, pleasant unique taste - it can also be compared with red sparkling. Although the traditional wine is made from juice, the wine from the currant in the home, the recipe of which is described below, is done somewhat differently. If you make it the usual way, then it will come out too saturated and cloying, accordingly, will not bring real pleasure. Therefore, to obtain a fine wine from currants at home, the recipe must be observed.

wine from currants at home recipe

Cooking process

A bottle of 20 liters requires about 2kg of black currant. It is not necessary to wash the berries, it is only necessary to sort out to remove the small dung and immature berries. Then the currant is poured into a bottle and poured with sweet and warm water. So, in a three-liter container, one kilogram of sugar should be covered and poured with non-corrosive water, mixed until completely dissolved, after which to fill the currant. The procedure should be repeated 4 more times. In the end, we have ¾ a 20-liter capacity. After that, the bottle must be placed under the water seal. This is necessary in order that oxygen does not affect the produced wine from the currant in the home. The recipe is not designed to make you end up with vinegar.

wine from currant recipe


Room temperature, where will occurthe process of fermentation, should be 22-24 degrees of heat. If it is lower, then there will be little fermentation or it will not be at all, and if higher - the wine will quickly win and not gain fortresses. With the necessary temperature regime, fermentation must end for 24 days. During the fermentation of wine in a tube, one end of which is placed in a container with water, bubbles of the escaping gas will be visible. During fermentation, a bottle of wine must be shaken daily, swinging it. Within 2-3 days the fermentation process will begin. On the 10-15th day, the most active phase of fermentation, gradually fading, can be seen. If you want fizzy wine, then do not wait until it completely ferments, you need to watch it. Approximately once every 15-20 minutes the gas bubble must leave the tube placed in water. If you are not attracted to wine with gas, then you need to give it a finish. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to prepare such a drink as a wine from a currant, the recipe of which has several modifications. However, in order to obtain a quality product, it is necessary to approach the preparation process with all responsibility.

recipe for wine from currants

Finished product

After you have determined that your wineready, it must be removed from the yeast, that is, to remove from the wine the berries that fell to the bottom of the bottle. This is quite simple. Take the second same capacity, which should be clean and dry, and set below the capacity in which the wine is located. After gently, so as not to pick up and not to catch the sediment, use the tube to pump the wine into a clean bottle. It must be transferred to a room where the temperature does not exceed +10 degrees (preferably, of course, in the cellar), and again put under the water seal. The recipe for wine from the currant provides this in order to finally stop the fermentation, as well as to lower the sediment to the bottom. After 2 weeks it is necessary to pour the drink over small containers. For this purpose, plastic bottles are suitable, although it is not recommended to store wine for a long time.

For long-term storage, the wine is poured into glassware and sealed tightly. Then you can count on long-term storage of such a drink as wine from currants, at home.

The recipe outlined above will help to surprise everyone, because the drink turns out fine, and you will not blush before the guests, putting a jug of currant wine on the festive table.

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