Acidophilin: benefits and harms of a sour milk product

acidophilus benefits and harm
Acidophilin is a known fermented milk product,which is made by fermenting milk with the help of special bacteria. Its name comes from the Latin word acidus, which means "sour". Like any similar products, the drink is much better absorbed by the body than conventional cow milk, because the lactose contained in it is already fermented. For the first time, the acidophilus bacterium (rod) was discovered by Russian scientists in 1903. Having studied its properties, experts came to the conclusion that it does not collapse under the action of digestive enzymes of the stomach, it lives well in the human intestine, and the products of its vital activity have bactericidal properties, that is, kill pathogenic microorganisms, and also suppress putrefactive and fermentative processes in the intestine. If you are interested in how to use acidophilus, the benefits and harms of the drink in what are included, as well as its other properties, read the following article. This product belongs to the class of probiotics, so use it if you need to restore or improve the intestinal microflora, strengthen the immune system in winter, and also get an extra dose of B vitamins.

acidophilin properties

Acidophilin: benefit and harm of the product

It is known that very many people, especiallyadults, suffer from dysbiosis. This is the predominance of pathogenic bacteria in the body. They cause indigestion, irregular stools, interfere with the absorption of vitamins obtained with food. Solve this problem, as well as improve the gastrointestinal tract helps it acidophilus. The properties of the product are especially pronounced with the regular use of this sour-milk beverage. It is also useful for children, it produces a variety of curds, pasta and so on. Below are listed those diseases in which you must include this sour milk product in your daily menu.

The acidophilus product: than useful, at what diseases helps

The list of the main ailments, in which acidophilus has a positive effect:

  • dysbiosis;
  • lowered immunity and poor resistance of the body to various (especially colds) diseases;
  • chronic intestinal ailments, including chronic dysentery;
  • colitis;
  • liver disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia, especially in children;
  • migraine and stress;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • the use of antibiotics (especially long-term);
  • depletion and asthenia (weakness).

Doctors recommend to consume up to half a literdrink a day. Currently, the industry produces not only classic acidophilin, but also a product with various additives - sugar, fruits and so on. Therefore, even those who do not like the classic version, can find an acceptable product for themselves in any store.

acidophilus than useful

Drink acidophilus: benefit and harm, contraindications for use

We talked about the benefits with you, now you know,that this unique product will help you in the fight against various diseases. But it should be noted that, like any probiotic, the drink also has some contraindications. You should not use acidophilus if you have the following diseases:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • pancreatitis, especially during the period of exacerbation.

The list is not that big. Do not forget the unique properties of acidophilus. Benefits and harm have already been identified in this article, and now, having the right information, you must definitely use this relatively inexpensive drink in your diet (in the absence of contraindications).

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