Jam from paradise apples: a recipe for fragrant billet for the winter

jam from paradise apples recipe
Jam from paradise apples are made from whole fruits- you can remove the stems before cooking, or you can leave them, and then decorate with cute little apples cakes and pastries. This stock will perfectly replenish your supplies for the winter, especially since it is no more difficult to make than any other. About how to brew jam from paradise apples, recipes and technology of its preparation you will find in our article. The only thing is to carefully select the ripe, not crumpled and not wormy fruits, sort them by color and size, and then proceed directly to the process, which, although it takes a lot of time, is quite simple.

Jam from paradise apples: recipe classic

For cooking, you will need:

  • a kilogram of heavenly apples;
  • 1.3, or slightly more than a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 2 cups of filtered water.

jam from paradise apples
Fruits pick and wash, stems can beremove, and you can leave it. Nibble each apple with a toothpick or a thick needle in several places. After prepare the syrup from the specified amount of water and sugar. So that in the end you get a delicious and most correct jam from paradise apples, the recipe (technology) involves cooking in several receptions, so be patient. First you need to fill the fruit with sugar syrup and leave for a day to stand. After the liquid is drained, boiled, add back to apples in a hot form and leave for another 24 hours. And only on the third day you can put the pan with all the contents on the stove and bring the jam until ready. You can check it like this: take a drop of liquid, pour on a plate and watch. If spreads - cook for a while, if not, then safely pour fragrant preserves on cans, roll them up and send them to a dark place until winter.

Jam from paradise apples: recipe for amber winter billet

Although this version of cooking is similar toPrevious by the number of ingredients, the cooking technology itself is somewhat different. But it will help you to get a delicious and very beautiful, amber jam from paradise apples. For preparation, take:

  • 1.5 kg of fruit;
  • a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • a glass of simple filtered water or apple juice.

jam from paradise apples recipes
Apple wash, stroke, remove stalk. Nabolite in several places with a match or toothpick, and then blanch (boil) in boiling water for several minutes. Pull out the fruit with a whisk and dip into cold water, in which they must be soaked for 24 hours. After the specified time, pour apples boiled from the specified amount of sugar and water with syrup. By the way, it will be very tasty if you replace the water with apple juice: you can squeeze it yourself, and you can buy it ready. After the fruit in the syrup has cooled, place the saucepan on the stove and boil the jam for a quarter of an hour. Apples will become transparent, and the color of the liquid will resemble amber. Now you know how to make jam from paradise apples. Recipe for its cooking is not more difficult than any other billet, and in winter you can use the fragrant store for decorating baking, as well as simply as an excellent additive to tea.

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