How to salt tomatoes for the winter: a selection of the most "delicious" recipes

In order to salt tomatoes, you will be suitabletomatoes of different degree of maturity. However, never use frozen or spoiled fruit for preparations. Unsuitable for pickling and unripened tomatoes, which have an intense green color: they smell and taste like foliage and almost contain no sugar. But immature green tomatoes just will suit you.

Before you salt tomatoes, sort outits harvest, since tomatoes that have a different degree of maturity, it is necessary to salt separately. In addition, pink and red fruits are best salted in a small container (liters of 10-15), having a brown color - a larger container (liters of 20-100), and green tomatoes are salted in a barrel, like cucumbers.

In many respects the principle of salting tomatoes is similar tothe process of pickling cucumbers. The brine in the chosen container should occupy approximately 45% of the volume, and the rest is accounted for by the fruits themselves and various spices. For seasoned gardeners for salting, such tomato varieties as Humbert, Bison, San Marzano, Mayak, Gribovsky, Alpatovsky are popular.

How to salt tomatoes: Prescription 1 (for mature tomatoes)

For 1,5 kg of tomatoes (and this is a three-liter jar), take dill (50 g), garlic (5 g), sugar (2 tablespoons), salt (1 tablespoon), vinegar (70 g).

Prepare brine from water, salt, sugar and vinegar. Tare over hot steam, and cover to it - boil. Put the garlic and dill (umbrellas) on the bottom of the jars, and then begin to lay tomatoes in rows. Spread them should be neat, but tightly folded into a container (do not throw so that the fruits do not form "barrels" and dents). Remember also that tomatoes with wrinkles, cracks moldy for salting are unsuitable. Pour the tomatoes with brine and roll up the jar.

How to salt tomatoes: recipe 2 (for tomatoes a little immature)

Boil the brine (for a liter of water, take 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and half the amount of salt) and cool. Add the mustard (10 g) to the brine, mix and let stand. Spread the tomatoes on sterilized three-liter jars, pouring the rows of leaves of black currant and cherry and dill umbrellas. Also put in each jar on the laurel leaf and on 8-10 peas of sweet-scented. When the prepared brine becomes transparent, fill them with tomatoes and close the jars with capron cap. Keep the pickle in a cool place.

How to pickle tomatoes: recipe 3

Tomatoes (10 kg) lay on the bottom of the container, whichpre-fill with herbs and spices: dill greens (200 g), garlic (30 g), horseradish root (30 g), bitter peppercorn (15 g). For the brine, you need 8 liters of water and 550 grams of salt.

How to salt green tomatoes

Recipe 1. Prepare a pour for green tomatoes from water (3 liters), sugar (9 tablespoons) and salt (2 tablespoons), laurel leaves and fragrant peppercorns (10 pcs.) Add 9% vinegar to the finished solution (1 glass). Put the greens in the jars: cherry leaves and currants, parsley, dill (200 g), garlic (1 head) and pour the vegetable oil (at the rate: a spoonful on a liter container). Then put green tomatoes (3 kg) in these jars, and on top - chopped onions (half a head will be enough for each jar). Fill the cans with hot filling and roll.

Recipe 2. On three cans of 1 liter you need to fill: water (1 liter), sugar (1 glass), salt (a spoon with a slide), vinegar 9% (0.5 cups), parsley, horseradish, dill. On each green tomato, make several incisions in which insert thin slices of chopped garlic. Spread the tomatoes on the cans and fill with hot solution, roll them. Turn the jars down with lids, wrap them in something warm (for example, in a quilted or duvet) and leave until it cools down. Then you can remove the jars in the cellar or other cold place. Prepared by this recipe, the pickle will certainly please you with its piquant taste.

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