Simple construction of the veranda with your own hands

When building private housesdistribution has received this kind of extension as a veranda. It is a small relative to the general size of the house, a room closed (for example, glazed) or open, designed in addition to decorative functions to protect the entrance door directly from the impact of various external influences, primarily atmospheric ones. It is worth noting that the construction of the veranda with their own hands is quite a simple process, for this reason this process is available to the vast majority of male representatives of the former Soviet Union. It should be borne in mind that the knowledge of certain features that are inherent in the construction of the veranda, can significantly save in time and, above all, on materials, and, accordingly, and finances.

Layout of the veranda

Planning the construction of the veranda with our own hands,it is worth remembering that this room is only an extension, which should to some extent influence the choice of both construction and material. If, in the final analysis, a premise is planned, the main functions of which, in addition to protecting the entrance door from the weather, will be to store the blanks for the winter, which require the preservation of negative temperatures for good quality, create a summer kitchen for recreation, then it is necessary to plan the construction of the bar from your own hands with a cold (unheated ) premises.

There is another way of usingverandas, for example, for storing and growing seedlings of vegetables and fruits at an early stage in early spring, if you wish to some extent increase the summer period in a country house, then in this situation it is worth designing a veranda with insulated walls, ceiling, floor, about the same thing that involves finishing the garage with your own hands. In some cases it makes sense to install stationary or portable heating, for example, a heater.

Building a veranda with your own hands of a cold type

First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that the veranda itself byitself is a relatively easy room, no matter what construction material and technology was used to build the house itself. Thus, even in the case when the house is built absolutely from scratch, there is no economic and technological perspective to build a common foundation for the house and the veranda. The foundation for the veranda will be thinner, and, accordingly, lower. Among other things, a common foundation in the absence of a uniform load around the perimeter can trite a banal.

At the first stage, you need to perform partitioningperimeter and the site for the veranda and determine the places where the supports will be located (it is worth recalling that in this case it is planned to build a bar of wood with their own hands). When installing the foundation it is worth remembering that it (columnar or ribbon, which, naturally, is more expensive) should not be rigidly connected with the foundation of the house itself. It is desirable, of course, to install the so-called blind area to ensure further dryness under the veranda. Further, the construction of the veranda with our own hands involves the installation of the supports themselves, but it is worth remembering that it is worthwhile to carry out this operation with attaching the corresponding load-bearing floor beams. As a result, it is desirable to connect the whole structure with a board. Then follows the flooring, covering the roof and wall covering. These operations do not require special attention, since they are quite common in construction and are used everywhere, for example, garage finishing with their own hands without such operations will not do. With regard to the filing of the ceiling, in these types of rooms it is recommended to use the so-called "inch" to reduce the weight of the structure.

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