How to master the construction of a bath from a bar with your own hands

So, you decided to build a bathhouse. Perhaps with their own hands. After a long choice of material for the future bath, you stopped at the bar. Now we need to figure out what kind of pitfalls can be in this case, and, in general, where to start building a bath from bars with their own hands. The first and most important thing is the choice of a tree. After all, properly selected and prepared wood will last longer and will have good performance characteristics. The tree is best harvested in the winter. At the same time, the wood should be "resting" for at least a month before processing. It must be remembered that in the prepared logs there should be no cracks and blues (this is a sign of rotting).

Building a bath from the bar with your own hands

Preparing the foundation

Before you start building a sauna from a barwith your own hands, you should prepare the foundation. This will significantly reduce the running time. For the bath two types of foundation are suitable: columnar and ribbon (one should not forget about the waterproofing, which is laid between the socle and the first frame of the log).

Start of construction

So, the tree was chosen, with the foundation determined. It's time to start building a bath from the bar with your own hands and put the first crown. The main rule that must be observed in this case is a flat surface and a larger (than the next) size of the bar. Then it's a little bit: at the ends of the beams do the connecting cuts, then they are laid, aligned and then fastened (to special metal pins or wooden nagels). In this sequence, all the crowns fit, except for the last two (they do not need to be fastened, since they will have to be removed when laying the ceiling beams).

construction of a bath house prices

Warming and installation of openings for doors and windows

During the laying of the crowns, one should not forget aboutintervent insulation. To do this, natural materials are suitable: moss, jute or tow. If the choice is not obvious, then it is better to choose jute - it's easy to work with, and the construction of a bath with your own hands from the bar will be more qualitative. Also, there is no need for patching gaps. After the walls of the bath have been built, it is possible to install door and window boxes (sawed in a predetermined location).

Preparation for winter

When the construction of a bath from the bar with their own handscompleted, you need to prepare a frame for "wintering" and the period of shrinkage (at least six months). For the frame to winter normally, the upper rows need to lay a series of boards (40-50 mm thick) and put slate or roofing material on them. In this form, the constructed bath is waiting for the winter period and is preparing for the subsequent interior decoration.

building a bath with your own hands from a bar

This question can be considered exhausted. If you do not want to do everything yourself, you can hire professionals to build a bath. Prices in this case can be very different, and you will have to choose a certain option for you. But if the choice has fallen on an independent solution of this task, it is worthwhile to understand that without a proper level of responsibility, you probably will not succeed. Good luck in your construction!

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