Bank Uralsib: reliability rating, place in the rating

Banking services now enjoyalmost every person. But before turning to this or that organization, he first carefully studies the level of its reliability. Many choose for themselves the bank Uralsib. His rating is high, which causes undoubted confidence. Indeed, as of December 2016, it is on the 22nd place in terms of reliability among 600 Russian banks.

bank uralsib rating

general information

This is a commercial organization, the total volumewhose assets amount to 436,072,633,000 rubles. In November, by the way, the profit of the organization increased by 0.43% (this is + 1,867,111 rubles in addition), due to which it rose in the rating from the 23rd position to the 22nd.

Beginning in November 2015, the bank actively passessanitation. Or, as they also call it, the financial rehabilitation of the organization, which is aimed at structural reorganization, changing the range of services provided, and much more. The state goes to the rehabilitation of Uralsib about 81 billion rubles. And this process is controlled by Vladimir Kogan, who owns 82% of the shares of this organization.

bank uralsib confidence rating

Reason for trust

At such organization, as bank "Uralsib", a ratingvery solid. And it is reinforced by the results of analytical agencies. Take, for example, Standard & Poor's. This analytical agency is among the top three organizations of this trend at the international level. Standard & Poors assigned "Uralsib" credit rating "В-" with a positive forecast (the latest data - June 16, 16). That is, in principle, this level is slightly below average (according to international standards), which in the future may become much higher.

Another good bank is "Uralsib" rating amongorganizations that issued the largest number of auto loans. In the top 10 he is on the 9th line. In the list of 15 organizations that have issued the largest number of mortgages, Bank Uralsib is on the 14th place. Its rating is also high in the sphere of crediting - the organization is included in the top 10 best financial enterprises that provide the most profitable programs for small businesses. And as a result of the Mystery Shopping Awards, he was recognized as one of the best private banks.

Separate attention deserves and gainingtoday popularity mobile sphere. Uralsib has entered the top three in the field of mobile banking. And received for this award Markswebb Rank & Report. In terms of security and convenience, he entered the top 10. And all this data is a direct proof of the reliability of such an organization as Uralsib.

bank uralsib ranked


About them, too, is to say a few words. The reliability rating available from such an enterprise as Uralsib Bank is additionally confirmed by the distinctive signs of Deutsche Bank AG and Commerzbank AG. They are assigned for high quality of execution of payment documents in euros.

In addition, Uralsib is recognized in 2015the best client bank in the state market of precious metals. He is also a laureate of an international competition known as "Best Risk Management". There are several nominations in it, and specifically Uralsib was held on the "Best Risk Management Program".

Also this organization is engaged in charity. The project, organized by him and the children's fund "Victoria", became one of the 30 best social programs in the Russian Federation.


In our time this type of loan enjoys a largepopularity. Because everyone needs housing, but not everyone has the opportunity to acquire it. So, there is a list, which lists the banks that provide the best conditions for mortgage loans, issued for the purchase of housing in the secondary market. December 15, 2016 the news appeared that the bank "Uralsib" ranked in the ranking, and not bad - he entered the top 10.

And the conditions are really offered quite good. The most profitable program was recognized with a rate of 13.5% and an initial contribution of 10-30%. Although there are other suggestions. "Mortgages for state employees", for example, with a preferential rate of 10.8%. It can be even lower for people who use Uralsib products (cards, for example). The fee is 20% for proven customers and 40% - for those who turn to the bank for the first time.

bank uralsib what place in the ranking

Promotions and interesting offers

As you can see, the bank "Uralsib" rating among the banks is solid. And so the organization often arranges various promotions for its customers.

So, for example, during this December, theoffer "Tablet as a gift!" from Uralsib and Samsung. If the customer lends a phone Galaxy S7 edge S7, then the Galaxy Tab A 7.0 tablet computer will get him a gift. By the way, a 10% discount is available for the loan. The rate is 15.5% per annum.

More privileges and gifts are provided by the Moscowholders of "Mir" cards. For them, ice skating and hot chocolate are available free of charge at VDNKh rink. Also they can take part in drawing tickets for the brightest event of the outgoing year - the New Year's holiday. Which also will pass on a skating rink.

These are just a few examples. In general, it is not surprising why Uralsib entered the top 10 banks most beloved by Russians for 2016. By the way, this rating is also there.

 bank uralsib rating among banks

What else is worth knowing?

A lot of interesting things can be told about the bankUralsib. The place in the rating of the best financial organizations of the Russian Federation is high, but he also takes a good position in other "top" lists. Some worth mentioning.

In November this year, for example, the organizationtook second place in the list, which listed the banks that issue the best credit cards with charitable programs. In Uralsib this tariff is called "A Decent Home for Children". The rate for this credit card is 28% per annum. The conditions are as follows: 0.5% of the amount given for each purchase is transferred to the settlement account of the children's fund, from which payment is made for the improvement of living conditions in boarding schools.

In November Uralsib was included in the top 3The organizations providing the best conditions for mortgage lending with state subsidies. The rate is 11.25% per annum, the down payment is 20%, the crediting period is 3-30 years.

Also, the bank is included in the top 10 organizations, unsecured loans of which are the most popular among the population.

Many interesting things can be told about the bankUralsib. What place in the rating this organization occupies is extremely clear. And, based on the above, we can conclude - it's a good and reliable bank, which you can really trust your money. And the monthly increasing number of customers is a direct confirmation of this.

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