Putin's dacha in Praskoveevka: description. Residence on Cape Idokopas

The object near Gelendzhik, which is different in peopleas Putin's palace is not called, wide publicity and a large-scale public resonance was received in late 2010, when Sergei Kolesnikov, a former partner of Putin, and then suddenly became his opponent, published in the press an open letter to then-Russian President Medvedev. However, even earlier, the Gelendzhik dacha of Putin provoked protests from local residents, especially representatives of the "Environmental watch for the North Caucasus" - the movement for preserving the region's natural resources.

But time passes, water flows in the river, passionslittle by little. Now the residence on Cape Idokopas is not surprising to anyone. People have already reconciled themselves to the fact that on the Black Sea coast in one of its most beautiful and at the same time protected corners, once the former property of the country, there was a site of private property, and now it is impossible for ordinary mortals not to be there, even passing by. We suggest you to visit there virtually to appreciate the fabulous beauty of those places and see in what conditions modern nouveaux riches rest.


A small village Praskoveevka (Gelendzhikdistrict), once founded by fugitive Greeks, and now has become a home for people of different nationalities, has only three and a half hundred inhabitants. No one would have remembered it, had it not been for the grandiose construction begun near him in 2005. The village is on the Dzhanhot river. From Gelendzhik it is more than 12 km. Since the Greeks were runaway, they decided to build their own Praskoveevka not at all in sight, but in the middle of the forest, 4 km from the nearest village of Dzhanhot and 4.7 km from the sea shore. Now this small village has three attractions:

  • Temple of John the Baptist, built in the late 19th century.
  • Rock of sandstone, which for its unique form called Sail.
  • A luxurious residence, true, hidden from the eyes of the people.

Putin's dacha in Praskoveevka

Where is Putin's dacha

To build a scandalously famous object did not beginin the very Praskoveevka, and in 4.6 km from its outskirts, at Cape Idokopas. It is located in Molokanova Slit - a picturesque corner of the coast, where the recorded in the Red Book Pitsunda pine. The Molokans lived in this area. In the 19th century, these people left their homes, but the name of the area remained. The gap is limited to the rivers Janhot and Pshada, on which stands the village of Krinitsa. On its territory flows the river Azmashah. Near its mouth is Cape Idokopas. Although quite secluded and not close to the settlements is Putin's dacha, the address is as follows: the city of Gelendzhik, the area of ​​Praskoveevka.

Kompromat S. Kolesnikov

Putin prior to his presidency headed inSt. Petersburg Committee on Foreign Economic Relations. With his participation the company "Petromed" was created, which was engaged in the supply of medical equipment to Russia. The company's director was Dmitry V. Gorelov, friend of Putin, Sergei Kolesnikov, deputy, and the Committee headed by Putin became the main founder with 51% of shares. The company was doing pretty well. In 2000, NT Shamalov, a longtime friend of President Putin now, offered an interesting deal to Petromeda: rich people donate money (millions) to Russia's health care, some of them are actually used for their intended purpose, and 35% are settling in an offshore company, controlled by Shamalov.

As a result of such fraud in the "Petromeda"there were million profit. None of the friends-partners quarreled at the time and did not think. But it took only 10 years, and Kolesnikov ran an open letter telling the whole world that Putin's dacha in Praskoveevka was being illegally built for people's money. As explained by the truth-seeker, the cause of his act was the alarm for the fatherland. But without a financial background, it did not.

residence on Cape Idokopas

Passion around the "little house"

In 2005, an agreement was signed with the Officethe President's affairs about the erection on the Black Sea coast of a small (as Mr. Kolesnikov says) a house worth only 16 million y. e. An architect of this diva was a certain Lanfranco Cirillo, then an Italian, who appeared in Moscow with one small bag in his hands. In the process of erection, ideas were born to attach an elevator to the house, going down to the beach, an individual gas pipeline and power lines, several roads.

Further more. Near the house began to build an amphitheater, a winter theater, several sites for helicopters, that is, gradually Putin's palace on the Black Sea began to acquire a proper appearance of its status. All this required money. According to Cirrillo, only engineering design cost 9 million. S. Kolesnikov said that the funds were taken and the construction site, and the medical equipment from one pocket, and until then everything went peacefully. But in Russia the crisis of 2008-2009 broke out. It was necessary to choose where to spend money.

Shamalov chose and told Kolesnikov about the closureall of his medical projects, as it was impossible to close the construction site. As a result, hospitals did not receive important medical equipment, thousands of people remained without a piece of bread, and the offended Kolesnikov flew to America. There he went to the editorial staff of the Washington Post with his revelatory letter. But they simply did not publish it, demanding reliable documents. As the letter nevertheless appeared in the press, the documents were not only found, but they were meticulously checked by lawyers.

Praskoveevka Gelendzhik district

Who lives in the house?

I must say that the residence at Cape Idokopasbelongs to Putin only on conversations, and the press-secretary of the president these gossips actively refutes. Yes, at first the customer of the facility was the Committee for Presidential Affairs, and the building was not going to be a dacha, but a boarding house. Later, N. Shamalov, loyal to Putin, formalized this real estate, which he supervised over the erection. In 2011, around the cottage there was a stir, journalists and activists went to the scene. Protection (PSC and FSO) detained them, property was confiscated, and adventurers were almost sent to jail.

Then Shamalov quickly sold his dacha. Ponomarenko, co-owner of the Novorossiysk port, having received for it 350,000,000 y. e. The new owner did not become familiar, and so that Putin's dacha in Praskoveevka would not be idle, began to rent out some of its 20 buildings. He earned this 35 million a month, though not dollars, but rubles. In March 2015, Ponomarenko handed over the expensive property of OOO Complex, owned by an offshore company of the British Virgin Islands. This "complex" for two years already owned the land around the dacha, now he took everything entirely.

where is Putin's dacha

At the end of the same year, he received an additionalin the use of two neighboring sites, one in 254 hectares, another in 290.8 hectares, and put them to auction. For 25 years they were leased by the company "Southern Citadel". In addition, she bought two more large tracts of land from Divnomorsky to Idokopas, thereby closing the access to the sea from the dacha. So, according to the documents, the residence does not belong to Putin. And the roads to the palace belong to the FSB Border Guard.

Where to take a million?

All-seeing agency "Reuters" held itsthe investigation and found out that the part of the funds for which Putin's dacha was being built in Praskoveevka was taken from the accounts of the National Health Fund. Further, by agreement with the poor (as he calls himself) the millionaire - the architect Cyrillo, many fabulously expensive materials, furniture, accessories and so on were bought for cash, bypassing the tax services (there are confirming records of conversations between Cirillo and Shamalov).

As they say, the architect is just for such zeal inwork became a citizen of Russia, and also got a chic villa on the sea shore. Another way to find the money reserves was that the building was brought, for example, marble at a price of several million, and in the list of sand for a couple of tens of thousands. S. Kolesnikov told about these machinations.

how many cottages have Putin

How it all began

In the already distant 2005 from the village of Dzhanhot toPraskoveevskaya Bay paved the first asphalt road. Behind the river Azmash on the pass, too, began to improve the entrance, for which they expanded the road there. Higher up the slope was a solid fence with barbed wire. An announcement was posted on it that the construction of a children's sports and health camp is under way, and due to unfavorable sanitary conditions, a gap was closed for the Molokanov holiday-makers. Then on the promontory grew age-old hornbeams and oaks, powerful pitsundskie pines in several girths. In the future, so that Putin's dacha appeared in Praskoveevka, forty-five hectares of forests were lost, and the damage amounted to over 27,000,000 rubles.

How are things now?

Now the residence on Cape Idokopas zealouslyprotected. Its location can be determined by each of the power transmission lines running along the new shosseiki and through the preserved forest massif to Praskoveevka. But to get to the dacha or at least look at it through the fence, it will not work. The path to the residence leads through a bridge that overlaps the barrier with security and reinforced concrete blocks. You can see military equipment behind the bridge. The way to the public beach is still formally open, but along the road to it the bushes are girdled with barbed wire. For a small patch of beach fenced high-walled territory, the entrance to it is strictly prohibited. If you dare to penetrate the fence, you can see in the thickets a wide tunnel, in which a car can easily pass. They say he leads to the cottage. From the sea it is impossible to see it, only from the sky. On the shore of the residence, a dock for Putin's yacht was built, behind him again a blank wall. A bit further the FSB security post.

Putin's dacha address


It is difficult to say how much the dacha of Putin costs. According to some sources, more than a billion yen have been spent on it without final finishing. e. For it, 87 hectares of shoreline and forest lands were allocated. In this square, the palace itself was built - an Italian-style building (it was not without reason that his former Italian designer designed it). It has a quadrangular shape, a courtyard with columns, enfilades, fountains and a chic landscape design. Outside, the palace is built in 2 floors, but, they say, there are 2 more floors underground, as well as underground parking. From the palace, the alleys lead to the amphitheater and the entrances to the elevators descending to the sea. Behind the amphitheater there are bungalows, near a sports complex with swimming pools. Further into the headland of the cape there are three helicopter platforms and a radio tower. Further away are technical installations and buildings where staff live.

Gelendzhik dacha of Putin

Interior decoration

Putin's dacha in Praskoveevka, of course, is realpalace. How many rooms there are, few know, but they do not disclose secrets. Evaluate their decoration can be from the photo, published on the Internet. In the palace floors are made of marble, laid out with patterns, luxurious furniture with gilded legs, painted ceilings, huge chandeliers. In one of the bedrooms is a bed with canopies, in one of the living rooms is an exclusive Italian furniture, worth several million. The walls of the rooms are decorated with paintings, and only original, in the bathrooms are installed a jacuzzi. In luxury the palace resembles the apartments of Queen Catherine II. The apotheosis is the golden double-headed eagle on the gate.

How many cottages have Putin

In addition to the scandalous residence near GelendzhikThe Russian president has 20 more (according to other sources 30) residences all over Russia and one palace near Paris, for the erection of which more than 30 million euros have been spent. But documented from Putin is nothing, only two modest apartments and two garages. All of its chic dachas are designed either for dummies or appear under the jurisdiction of the President's Affairs Office. They are used not only for the recreation of Putin, but also for the reception in them of the heads of other countries. The question of what will become of all this real estate, if suddenly Vladimir Vladimirovich leaves the presidential post, remains open.

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