Clothes for dolls: how to sew beautiful clothes?

Growing up a girl is much harder than a boy. Any parent who has been able to bring up both of them will tell you this. With her you can not do with a couple of machines and a designer, in addition to the bangles-zakolochek, skirts and bracelets, a headache for the mother of each girl becomes clothes for dolls. How to sew it, where to buy or how to diversify the wardrobe of your daughter's daughters in general?

clothes for dolls how to sew
Now there is a huge number ofdifferent dolls - plastic, rubber, stuffed or knitted. They differ in size and appearance, they can be babies and grown-up young ladies. That is why there is no single approach to creating such an important thing as clothes for dolls. How to sew it, let's think up together.

We make

Very popular with little girlsare puppets-children. Sometimes they can be virtually indistinguishable from a real newborn. With these dolls the easiest: first, they can be worn already finished things, left, for example, from the daughter, or bought in a children's store. And secondly, because of the rather large size and quite familiar human body proportions, it is quite easy to create things for such toys.

sew clothes for dolls pattern
So, we sew clothes for dolls. Patterns for its creation can be taken in any magazine by sewing for newborns. Another option is to copy already finished things, from which your daughter grew up. On them it is necessary to cut a fabric, and then to try on a product on a doll, having chopped off with pins and having swept. In the case where there is a sewing machine or overlock at home, the task is simplified, but even any object of the toy wardrobe is sewn quickly with hands. It should be borne in mind that the daughter will play with the doll, and very actively, and therefore sew the details of future dresses on conscience, carefully processing the edges of clothing, so as not to fray and do not crumple. A ready-made thing is definitely to stretch and iron, before putting on the doll.

In a completely different way the situation is with the fashionable alreadywhich is the decade of Barbie. Well and besides them now there are other dolls-young ladies with magnificent forms - Bratz, Moksi. They can not be approached with standard patterns of human dresses. But in fact any girl will want, that for them clothes for dolls were created. How to sew for Barbie or Bratz? You can use the sales of specialized magazines on patterns for the toy world. Among such publications, for example, there is a "Puppet Master" or "BurdaPuppenmode". They are designed for needlewomen, and reveal the secrets not only about how to sew dolls themselves, but also how to create a fashionable and unusual wardrobe for them.

Barbie and Bratz

But if there are no hints in the presence of a tool, well,we will learn on the go. We sew clothes for dolls Bratz. We will need a sheet of A4 paper, a pencil, a tailor's ribbon, scissors, cloth and threads with a needle. To begin with, we apply the future owner of the dress to the sheet and outline the approximate contours of her body. Then, on top of these hints, we draw the parts of the pattern of the future dress, at the same time figuring out the length of the individual parts with the help of the tape.

sew clothes for dolls brother
Cut the finished pieces of the pattern, apply tocloth and begin cutting. Then, as with human clothes, it is necessary to sweep away the future dress, and arrange a doll fitting. In the course of it, correct the cut and start sewing. Further we follow the advice already described above.


As you can see, there is nothing more simple in tailoring,than clothes for dolls. How to sew it you now represent, and can create many interesting details of the wardrobe for your girl's favorite. By the way, in the sewing process you can and should involve the daughter herself - then he will also be a cognitive lesson.

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