Eugene Bazarov: attitude to others and a brief characterization of the hero

One of the main characters in the novel "Fathers and Sons"Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a young nihilist, a student at a medical university, the son of an army doctor and a devout landowner. The image of Bazarov is very noticeable in literature and criticism and is the subject of constant discussion. The thing is, what features did I.S. Turgenev. In Bazarov surprisingly, rudeness and tenderness, unceremoniousness and erudition, sensuality and nihilism are combined. Separately, we should consider the question of how Bazarov manifests his attitude towards those around him.

bazaar attitude to others

At one time he was considered a hero of the public,when it was fashionable to deny intangible things and sensations. In addition to Bazarov, several other representatives of this worldview are given in the novel (Arkady Kirsanov, Kukshin and Sitnikov), it is Evgeny who is a genuine nihilist. With all his desire to demonstrate the novelty of views, Arkady does not believe in the end in the denial of love, faith and other feelings, sometimes forgotten, revealing his true face.

Two other supporters of nihilism are just kichatsyahis views, poorly understanding the very essence of the phenomenon. But if Bazarov is condescending towards Kirsanov, rather, even patronizing him, then Yevgeny openly despises university acquaintances. However, the best way to demonstrate Bazarov's attitude to the surrounding quote from the text. On this basis it is necessary to analyze the work, considering the relationship between the hero and each of the characters.

Bazarov: attitude towards others

On the one hand, the hero is cynical and selfish. Having first appeared in the house, he immediately and without hesitation in a rather cheeky manner demonstrates his outlook, criticizes the enthusiasm of the owner of the house - Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov - poetry, advising him to read the German materialists instead. Bazarov openly argues with his brother, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, almost making fun of the latter's views, and later even calling him to a duel. Eugene skillfully manipulates Arkady, provoking him to replace his father's book with Bazarov's.

But there is another side to how it manifests itselfBazarov attitude to others. For example, he demonstrates an unprecedented delicacy, with sympathy and respect for his beloved Nikolai Petrovich - Fenechka, a simple girl and a servant in the Kirsanovs' house. He is affectionate with her child, which immediately fascinates her mother. Also, Eugene nobly quits the duel with Kirsanov, not ending her murder, but only shot Pavel Pavlovich foot. And to Arkady and at all nurtures friendly feelings, taking care of him and trying to direct to the true path along the path of nihilism. In general, we can conclude that the attitude of E. Bazarov to others in the novel "Fathers and Sons" is ambiguous, and depends on what the people themselves are.

The attitude e of the bazaar to the people around in the novel fathers and children

The image of Yevgeny Bazarov

Bazarov has a very specific, evenrepulsive appearance, he has long hair, rough hands, slovenly clothes. But at the same time, all those around him wonderfully sympathize with him. Perhaps, because Evgeny is sincere in his statements, he is not hypocritical and does not try to please everyone around him, unlike Pavel Petrovich. Turgenev sought to create just such an image, being afraid that for too much straightforwardness the reader will not be able to discern the true essence of Bazarov and understand the author's idea. The main contradiction in Bazarov's attitude towards others is that although he believes in his ideology and denies any intangible things, he still can not resist instincts and falls in love with a good acquaintance of Arkady, the rich and educated widow Anna Sergeevna Odintsova.

First he tries to overcome his feelings,justifying himself that he was impressed only by the "rich body" of the young woman, as if specially created for the anatomical theater (in his words). But then the nihilist succumbs to emotions and recognizes Odintsov in feelings. The love for Anna Sergeyevna slightly shook the views of Bazarov, but still did not change them. But it affected Arkady, who opened his feelings to Catherine - Anna Sergeyevna's sister. Subsequently, the younger Kirsanov married the girl.

the relation of the bazaar to the surrounding quotes from the text

Evgeny Bazarov - the hero of our time

Thus, it is obvious that although the hero is superfluousstraightforward and even slightly rude, he is still a kind and caring person, has a kind of inner charisma. The main advantage of it is how Bazarov sincerely treats people around him. He does not seek to please everyone around him, he does not stick out his forward-looking views, he does not scream at every corner about far-reaching plans, although they really are, because with the help of materialism Eugene seeks to make the world better, to make everyone happy. He loves his parents faithfully and tries to achieve everything in his life independently. It is these features that make him a positive character in the novel and can be attributed even to the heroes of our time.

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