Characteristic Bazarov, his role in the novel "Fathers and Children"

The image of Yevgeny Bazarov is centralin the whole novel. Not surprisingly, out of 28 chapters, he does not appear in only two. That's why around this character all relationships are built and characters are grouped.

bazaar characteristic

The characteristic of Bazarov is a complex chain of successive events connected with a new worldview. Eugene can be described on four sides:

1) Bazarov is a "new man". The described time in the novel was timedifferent revolutionary, and Eugene was just a raznochinets. He is a man who seems to deny everything - he is a nihilist, but at the same time he presents himself as a democrat, that is, a supporter of a new trend in political thought. Externally unattractive character surprises with its originality, intelligence and self-confidence. Bazarov's characteristic is also based on his materialistic views, similar to the views of many famous scientists (Mechnikov, Botkin, Pavlov).

fathers and children characteristic of the market

2) Bazarov is a revolutionary. Characteristic Bazarov confirms hisrevolutionary views: the hero openly argues with the liberal aristocracy in the person of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, he is sharp in his convictions and judgments, argues that first you need to correct society, and then there will be no illness. Characteristic Bazarov can also point out that Eugene completely denies the beauty and every aesthetic pleasure.

3) Bazarov - theorist. The novel "Fathers and Sons" (characteristic of Bazarov,the main character of the novel, compiled exactly according to the pages of the work) turned the minds of many people. The hero sought to build his life in accordance with nihilism - the theory of denial of feelings, experiences and "every rubbish".

4) Bazarov - "the people's hero". Characteristic Bazarov shows that he knows how to deal with peasants, because he grew up in the countryside; he has a people's speech warehouse; it is distinguished by simplicity in communication.

The whole novel is based on the reception of the antithesis: the opposition of Eugene Bazarov with Arkady, with his uncle Pavel Petrovich, the opposition of democracy and aristocracy.

full characteristic of the market
Confidence and commitment of the hero every timeforced to enter into a dispute with everyone, but in the relationship with Anna Odintsova, Bazarov's full description opens entirely from the other side: it turns out that this always bold and sharp young man, denying beauty and feelings, is capable of deep and true love.

In the love conflict his best features are revealed: the ability to hold a blow (Anna Odintsova rejected feelings, but Bazarov came out of this "battle" with dignity and gained a psychological victory over the selfishness of his beloved woman), ability to deep emotional experiences, reassessment of one's values. It is Anne Bazarov who devotes his suicide note, in which he asks to take care of his parents.

Why does Turgenev kill his hero? This question is difficult to answer unequivocally. The main reason is loneliness. Characteristic Bazarov emphasizes this: excessive self-confidence, rejection of everything led him to doomed death.

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