Anna ("Supernatural"). History of the character, a brief biography of the actress

The series "Supernatural" quickly gainedpopularity around the world. Beautiful actors, interesting plot, excellent musical accompaniment and unusual characters - do you need a lot to create a masterpiece? One of the most memorable women in the series was Angel Anna. "Supernatural" has even undergone some changes in the plot associated with this character. Initially, only two episodes with Anna's participation were planned, but the actress who played it proved to be excellent, so it was decided to add a few more episodes.

anna supernatural

Acquaintance with the character

Some are interested in which series appearsAnna from Supernatural? For the first time the viewer gets acquainted with her in an episode titled "I Know What You Did Last Summer." In the series, its presence will not be as long as we would like: in two seasons, in total, only six series will be typed. "The old song about the main thing" is the title of the episode in which the angel Anna appears for the last time. "Supernatural" on this, of course, will not end, but the lack of such a colorful character made many upset. If only because the actress who played it is very beautiful.

angel anne supernatural

Anna ("Supernatural"). Character History

Anna is a fallen angel who was rebornon earth as a mortal man. After Dina was rescued from hell, the girl gained the ability to get into a psychiatric clinic with a terrible diagnosis of "schizophrenia": she began to hear the voices of angels. That's why she was so interested in demons. Ruby gives the Winchester brothers a tip so they can save her. But other angels are ahead of them. When they practically killed the girl, she unexpectedly creates a strong spell for herself and thus expels the heavenly warriors. Anna does not know how to do this, then the brothers take her to a woman who helped the heroine, under the influence of hypnosis, to remember who she really is. Later, in the evening, the girl remains alone with Dean, where they first talked heart to heart, and then spent the night together in the back seat of the Impala. In the morning they are calculated by angels and demons. Taking the opportunity, Anna takes her grace from Uriel, then disappears. Later, she will appear for the last time as a positive character when she asks Castiel to stop forcing Dean to torture the captured demon. On this from the plot disappears the beautiful Anna. "Supernatural," however, continues.

anna from the supernatural actress

Trying to kill Sam

In the episode "The song remains the same" Anna("Supernatural") makes a journey into the past, in the year 1912 to find the parents of the Winchester brothers and kill them. Then Sam can not become a vessel, so necessary that Lucifer could find a mortal shell. However, Castiel, at the request of friends, travels with them in pursuit of Anna, so as not to let her do it. Having met Uriel there, the girl shares with him the secret that the brothers will kill him in the future, although in fact it was she who inflicted the mortal wound on the angel. After trusting Anna, the young heavenly warrior begins to cooperate with her. Together they enter an empty house, where once the mother of Sam and Dean lived. During a collision, the girl kills their grandfather. The position was saved by the archangel Michael. He settles in John, enters the house where he kills Anna, and drives the young Uriel back to paradise.

in which series appears anna from the supernatural

Anna from Supernatural. Actress and her short biography

Julie McNiven is not the most popularAmerican actress, but she is still easily recognized on the street, she has many admirers, and the directors refer to her as a good, conflict-free person with whom it is pleasant to work. Julie was born in the city of Amherst, her parents are the most ordinary teachers in the school. From early childhood, she took an active part in school theater productions, and also sang in the choir, so even before becoming a teenager and starting to think seriously about her career, the beauty already owned acting and good vocal skills. The first roles in the films Julie began to perform while studying in college. At first they were minor characters, but then she was lucky enough to get Anna's role, after which she gained real popularity.

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