Bazarov and Kirsanov: disputes between fathers and children

In his work "Fathers and Children" IS. Turgenev showed for the most part not the conflict of generations, but the opposition of liberals and democrats. Each of these trends sought to improve society. Bazarov and Kirsanov, whose dispute passes through the whole novel, embody these two directions. The author very clearly demonstrates the opposition of representatives of two different cultures.

bazaars and kirsanov spores

The author of the novel "Fathers and Sons"

Turgenev himself about the novel "Fathers and Sons" says that he is directed against representatives of the nobility, aristocracy.

Bazarov and Kirsanov, whose dispute unfolds on the pages of the work - characters with different views. They are people of different origins.

The main reason for opposing the two heroes is the complete opposite of judgments on all vital issues: moral, political, spiritual.

Artistic means used by the author

In order to emphasize the oppositetheir heroes, the author uses techniques that show their perfect difference from each other. He achieves this by describing the appearance of the characters, the manner of dressing, the characteristics of behavior. We can easily imagine Bazarov: impetuous, sharp, fast, rude, with red hands, dressed in a hoodie. He always says what he thinks.

Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, is elegant, slender, "thoroughbred". Gestures of Kirsanov are full of nobility, speech is literate and imaginative. His hands are beautiful, with pink nails.

One description of appearance and manner of behavior the writer prepares us for the fact that the disputes between Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov will certainly take place.

bazaars and spore kirsanov

The ratio of heroes to aristocracy

So, the relation of two heroes to different moments of life is fundamentally different from each other.

Bazarov and Kirsanov, whose disputes constitute an essential part of the novel, certainly have different attitudes to the nobility.

Pavel Petrovich defines the aristocracy as the main force that promotes the development of society. As actions that contribute to the transformation of life, Kirsanov chooses liberal reforms.

Eugene Bazarov sees the aristocracy's inability to work actively. In his eyes, nobles can not do any good for social development.

Disputes of heroes about nihilism

The dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov, of course,touches on the theme of nihilism. Heroes in different ways see his role in the life of society. For Pavel Petrovich, nihilists are unprincipled impudent cynics who do not respect social norms and values. Bazarov is a true nihilist. For him it is important only that which benefits, he considers necessary revolutionary changes. There are no principles for Eugene.

Disputes about the common people

Bazarov and Kirsanov, whose arguments permeate the whole novel, differently perceive the position of the people in society.

Pavel Petrovich, who does not represent howa simple peasant lives, touches his patriarchy. Bazarov finds the people ignorant, poorly informed about their own rights. For Kirsanov, the life of the peasants, proceeding according to the same orders as those established by their distant ancestors, is perfectly natural and correct. Bazarov sees the darkness and ignorance of the common people.

Such a different opinion on the life of the peasants in the heroesthere is an ulterior motive. Evgeny is by nature a raznochinets, a hard worker, he understands the common people well. Pavel Petrovich - comes from a noble family, quite far from peasant life. The people's faith, which Kirsanov admires so much, Bazarov defines as superstition.

The impossibility of the heroes to find a compromise, the constant contradictions led to a duel between them.

disputes bazarov and pavla Kirsanov

Disputes about art and nature

Bazarov and Kirsanov, whose disputes do not bypasseven art, determine its place in human life in different ways. Bazarov sees no point in reading fiction, nature for him is a resource. Kirsanov, on the contrary, appreciates art, nature perceives as its peculiar component.

The origin of disputes between Bazarov and Kirsanov

Bazarov and Kirsanov, whose disputes arean integral part of the immortal works of Turgenev, have a certain nature. Eugene considers Pavel Petrovich a worthless person, leading a useless life. Kirsanov's ambition is hurt by this attitude, because he always considered himself a noble, active person. For this, Pavel Petrovich hates Bazarov. Most likely, it is thanks to this strong feeling that the characters argue throughout the work. It is the awareness of the senselessness of our own existence that forces Kirsanov to enter into a dialogue with Eugene.

The disputes between Bazarov and Kirsanov werethey dealt with education, public duty, and religion. Bazarov - an opponent of obsolete foundations and culture. He advocates the destruction of former ideals, for active revolutionary actions. Kirsanov adheres to the long-assimilated "princeps."

These two heroes are completely opposite to each other. When they defend their ideas, they fall into extremes.

the dispute between the bazaar and Kirsanov

Bazarov and Kirsanov argue, but they forget about the truth,which can open, if only a little listen to your opponent. The meaning of the dispute for them - in the dispute. It is symbolic that Bazarov - the personification of materialism - dies at the end of the novel. Kirsanov reconsiders his own views on life during illness.

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