Theme and problems of Lermontov's works

The problems of Lermontov's works to this dayis one of the most interesting topics in literary criticism. After all, the work of Mikhail Yurievich gives an extensive ground for reflection, it amazes with its depth, as well as with a range of feelings and emotions embedded in them. In many respects, the theme of Lermontov's work is connected with his biography, in addition, it is dictated to the writer by the time itself. In this respect, poetry, lyric-epic works and the prose of the author should be considered separately.

Problems of Lermontov's works


M. Yu. Lermontov left a huge legacy in the form of his immortal poetry. He began to write very early, and even the very first experiments were imbued with enormous experiences. The problems of Lermontov's works allow us to divide all his lyrical works into several categories:

1. Poems about loneliness, in which the main motive is misunderstanding, a break with people.

2. The poet and poetry.

3. Poems about love.

4. Poems about nature, about the Motherland.

5. Poems about the war.

Let's consider each of the categories.

Lermontov's poems about loneliness

Mikhail Lermontov was brought up by his grandmother. He did not recognize either his father's or his mother's love. Perhaps this is what influenced the entire poet's work. In particular, this influenced the formation of this theme of creativity. Lermontov worried about how people treated him. He was also depressed by the morals that reigned in his time. An example is the poem "How often surrounded by a colorful crowd", in which a cruel rebuke is heard to a hypocritical society. Heroes Lermontov often carried away to the world of dreams, in this text is a world of childhood, carefree and clean. In later works the motif of loneliness ceases to be intertwined with accusations, but it is further intensified. How strong the lines of the poem "The Rock" sound! In eight lines, the poet managed to express all the pain and anguish of a lonely heart. This problematic of Lermontov's works is closely connected with such images as a sail, a leaf, a cliff.

Themes of Lermontov's creativity

Poems about nature

Lermontov had the warmest feelings for Russianlandscapes. It is on nature that his lyrical hero feels more calm, balanced and harmonious. The most striking work, dedicated to the beauty of Russian nature - "When the yellowing field is worried." The work is very harmonious and melodic. The first three stanzas are a description of nature. Lermontov animates what surrounds him. Niva is worried, the crimson plum "hides in the garden," the lily of the valley "nods her head affably." Admiring what is happening, the hero begins to feel humility and peace, all his worries fade, and in the sky he begins to see the face of God.


Love lyrics

The problems of Lermontov's works onhuman feelings are not confined to loneliness. The poet also pays attention to love. True, love in his lyrics is always shown as a tragedy. From the very first poems Lermontov draws us the tragic relationship between the lyrical hero and his beloved. The hero suffers because of ridicule, misunderstanding. The most striking example is the poem "Beggar". It is built on the principle of psychological parallelism. The first part is the story of a beggar, who, instead of charity, was given a stone in his hand. The second part is the deceived feelings of the lyric hero. After Lermontov's acquaintance with Varvara Lopukhina, the mood changes. Now the feelings are mutual, but the lover is not allowed to be together. This is the poem "We are accidentally reduced to fate."

Military poetry

Themes of Lermontov's creative work are not limited tofeelings. He also addressed the topic of war. The peculiarity of the poetry of this subject is that Lermontov pays much attention to the unnaturalness of violence. So, in the poem "Valerik" the poet paints the beautiful nature of the Caucasus, she does not care about the bloody events organized by people. In the poem "Borodino" Lermontov addresses the theme of the historical past of his native country, he is delighted with the former power of the nation. This is a deeply patriotic work.

Prose of Lermontov

the most striking prose work was the novel"Hero of our time". In the center of the image is Pechorin. This is a hero who commits acts rashly. He ruins people without even realizing it. At the same time, Pechorin is deeply convinced that people do not understand him, that many people are unworthy of him. In fact, he is talented and intelligent, they can admire. But there are traits that can not be called positive: inability to be friends and love, pride and selfishness. The problems raised by Lermontov (a brief summary of the work clearly shows this) are the quest for the hero of time and the debunking of modern egocentric youth, as well as the problems of morality.

Mikhail Lermontov

Lyrical epic works

One of the most vivid poems of Mikhail Lermontov -"Mtsyri". A lonely romantic hero is abandoned by the will of fate to a monastery. He is brought up in it, but does not feel at home. Mtsyri feels his restlessness, he seems to be imprisoned, he dreams of being released. The problems of Lermontov's works intersect in this poem. Here, the theme of loneliness, and the theme of freedom, are raised, and it is clearly evident how much Lermontov is concerned about nature.

Heroes of Lermontov
In addition, the poem is a prime exampleromantic work. Mtsyri aspires to the world of dreams. After spending one day in freedom, he understands what real life is. Staying in the monastery now becomes impossible. After receiving mortal wounds in the battle with the leopard (the personification of the violent forces of nature), Mtsyri perishes. This is the tragic pathos of the writer's entire work. Heroes Lermontov in a collision with reality often lose. Their dreams are not destined to come true, but in this world life is unbearable.

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