Philosophical problems of Bunin's works: analysis of creativity

Philosophical problems of Bunin's works,the last Russian and classic and, as Maxim Gorky called it, "the foremost master of modern literature", covers a wide range of issues that remain relevant even in our difficult disharmonious times.

philosophical problems of bunin

Decay of the peasant world

Changes in the household and moral life of peasantsand the sad consequences of such metamorphosis are shown in the story "The Village". The heroes of this work are the fist Tikhon and the poor self-taught poet Kuzma. The philosophical problems of Bunin's works are expressed by the perception of two opposite images. Actions take place at the beginning of the century, when the hungry and impoverished rural life under the influence of revolutionary ideas comes to life for a time, but then plunges back into a deep sleep.

The writer was acutely worried about the inability of peasantsto oppose the devastation of their native villages, their fragmentation. Their main trouble, he believed, was their lack of autonomy, in which the main character of the work is recognized: "I can not think, I'm not learned". And this defect, Ivan Bunin believed, was the consequence of long serfdom.

philosophical problems of works of bunin composition

The fate of the Russian people

Philosophical problems of Bunin's workspoured out bitter arguments about the fate of the Russian people. As a descendant of a noble family, he was always attracted to the psychological analysis of the common man. The origins of the national character, its positive and negative features, he sought in the history of the Russian people. There was no significant difference between the peasant and the landowner for him. And, although the nobles were the true bearers of high culture, the writer always paid tribute to the role of peasants in the establishment of the primordially Russian spiritual world.

Love and loneliness

Ivan Bunin is an unsurpassed lyricist. The stories written in emigration are almost poetic works. Love for this writer was not something long. It was always interrupted either by the will of one of the heroes, or under the influence of evil fate. But the parting and loneliness of a person is most acute abroad. The philosophical problems of Bunin's works are also feelings of a Russian person who is in emigration. In the story "In Paris" the author narrates about a casual meeting of two lonely people in the distance. Both of them are far from Russia. At first they are brought together by Russian speech and soul affinity. Acquaintance develops into love. And when the main character suddenly dies, a woman, returning to an empty house, experiences a sense of loss and spiritual emptiness, which she can hardly make up in a foreign country, far from her native land.

Themes that affected the classic Russianliterature in their works, touch on topical and to date issues. The modern reader is close to the philosophical problems of Bunin's works. The writing on a theme related to the work of this writer helps to develop the inner world of the schoolboy, teaches to think independently and shapes moral thinking.

essay on the topic of philosophical problems of the product of bunin

Meaning of life

One of the problems of modern society is itsimmorality. It appears unnoticeably, grows and at some point begins to produce horrific consequences. Individuals and society as a whole suffer from them. Therefore, in the literature lessons much attention is paid to such a topic as the philosophical problems of Bunin's works. The essay on the story "A Man from San Francisco" teaches children the understanding of the importance of spiritual values.

Material goods are nowit is of great importance that modern children, sometimes, do not know about the existence of other values. The philosophy of an impersonal person who has so long and persistently increased his wealth, that he forgot how to see the world as it is, and as a consequence - a tragic and miserable end. This is the basic idea of ​​the story of a rich gentleman from San Francisco. The artistic analysis of this work allows teenagers to look differently at ideas that reign today in the minds of many people. People who are pathologically striving for success and material prosperity and, unfortunately, often serve as an example for a fledgling personality.

Reading of works of Russian literaturecontributes to the formation of a correct moral position. The essay on "Philosophical problems of Bunin's work" The Man from San Francisco "helps answer the most, perhaps, topical questions.

philosophical problems of the works of bunin and kuprin

The last century gave the Russian culture a pleiadbrilliant artists. Their work became the property of world literature. The moral foundations of the works of these authors are morally never obsolete. The philosophical problems of the works of Bunin and Kuprin, Pasternak and Bulgakov, Astafiev and Solzhenitsyn are the property of Russian culture. Their books are intended not so much for entertaining reading, as for the formation of a true worldview and the destruction of false stereotypes. After all, no one so accurately and truly spoke of such important philosophical categories as love, faithfulness and honesty, as classics of great Russian literature.

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