The best adventure films: when the "pipe calls"

Spielberg plus Ford.

best adventure films
Immediately 5 "Oscars" collected the first partSpielberg saga about Indiana Jones. This 1981 project and its continuations are classic best adventure films, whose rating is very high. This is the pride of American cinema. In the title role shines Harrison Ford. Indiana is truly his star character. In the trickle, he joins the equally charming Sir Sean Connery, who plays Jones the eldest. The weakest link in the cycle, perhaps, was filmed in 2008, the picture "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", too much of it was created by the creators. Although Cate Blanchett in the role of an infernal villain is good, as always, and the special effects industry has advanced far ahead. Still, the trikvel and quadricle divide almost two decades. But the aged Harrison can still "give the country coal." And in the plans of this star duo Spielberg-Ford is the fifth part of the cycle. The best adventure films are akin to the militants, only in the first few less scenes of violence, the emphasis is on how the character is able to get out of the created predicament.

adventure films list of the best

In Egypt, Colombia and the Caribbean

The first two "Mummies", shot by Stephen Sommers,also the best adventure films of our time. Egyptian escapades of heroes Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weiss are captured. For humor in these films, the Scottish actor John Hannah answers, and Arnold Woslow is impeccable in the role of an ominous mummy. The third part, which was "inherited" by another director, was no longer so remarkable. A big loss was the replacement of Weiss by Maria Bello. Curious about the Lara Croft: this, if not the best adventure films, then, at least, good. They are especially dear to the hearts of fans of the great Angelina Jolie and Gerard Butler, who appears in the role of a charming adventurer in the sequel. Textbook work in this genre is an old, but nice "Roman with a stone." Michael Douglas, paired with a cute and able to ironically over himself, Kathleen Turner managed to create an organic spectacle. And Denny DeVito in the role of a scoundrel was, although cunning, but touching. "Fists are good," - as if the creators who shoot the best adventure films claim, but the brains too should work. Also, a lot of admirers from the "Pirates of the Caribbean", the franchise, flooded (sorry for the pun and tautology) sea adventures.

best adventure films rating

Favorite since childhood

The director of "Roman with a stone" Robert Zemeckis adoresto shoot adventure films. The list of the best includes another trilogy - "Back to the Future". Alloy fantasy (travel in time), western (in trikvel) and lyrical comedy - that's the recipe for success from the Oscar-winning Zemeckis. It is no accident that this triptych in its entirety is included in the leaders of the ratings of popular sites about cinema. It's a pity that Michael J. Fox failed to reveal his talent in further work, and remained "the same boy McFlay." The work of Christopher Lloyd (Dr. Brown) is magnificent. In the prequel in the unusual for himself (or rather, too usual for himself!) Role was played by the incredible Crispin Glover.

It is worth mentioning and loved by many since childhoodSoviet television movies. This "Adventures of Prince Florizel" is one of the last films of the genius Oleg Dal, the screen version of the book by Evgeny Veltistov about the robot Electronics and many other wonderful stories that made you dream and fantasize.

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