Anton Chekhov: "Chameleon" and its heroes

the story of the Czech chameleon
Order-keepers do not always act in truth. However, this applies to each of us. This fact was also noticed by Anton Chekhov. "Chameleon" is a story about such opinion-changing individuals. People who adjust to circumstances do not act as sensibly as they think. From the outside, this behavior looks ridiculous and absurd. The author ridicules the inability to defend his opinion and desire to please high-ranking officials. Such a trait is initially in every person, some just manage to get rid of it, while others continue to live in fear of what others think of them.

Chekhov's story "Chameleon" takes the reader to thethe market square. Guardian of the city order Ochumelov importantly walks between people and closely follows each of their movements. The townspeople bored with their business. Nothing interesting, except for the sudden screams of a man who was allegedly bitten by a dog. Master Hryukin proudly demonstrates to the crowd his injured finger, scandal and demanding justice. Police officer Ochumelov happily enters the case and decides: to find the owner of the dog and write off a fine from him, and immediately destroy the animal itself. The cityman Eldirin fully agrees with him and begins to draw up a protocol.

Czechs chameleon short

It is not strange that such a creation wrote exactlya lover of Chekhov's irony. "Chameleon" is a humorous story that raises important social problems that are still relevant today. Police officer Ochumelov is a negative hero, funny and pathetic. He is the same chameleon, which changes color depending on the situation. He loudly speaks against the dog and its owner only until someone from the crowd tells you that the puppy is a general. Doubts begin to overcome the confidence of the guardian of order. He instantly gets hot from his own fear. Coat - a symbol of excitement and cowardice, hero's sycophancy.

As conceived by the brilliant writer Anton Chekhov,"Chameleon" aroused interest among readers. This literary work is still considered a classic of the genre. The story is read, the main characters laugh, they draw conclusions for themselves. The culmination, the most intense moment of the work, comes when another actor enters the stage. The general cook Prokhor confirms that his master never had such dogs.

Czech chameleon

Did not forget to make interesting and denouement Chekhov. "Chameleon" is a boring story. The plot here is quite simple, but keeps the reader's attention to the very end. Police officer Ochumelov is pleased with himself and with his loud words. However, the denouement is extremely unexpected. According to the cook, the puppy belongs to the brother of General Zhigalov. Seven sweat descended from Ochumelov's forehead, which, with a toady smile, gave the dog to Prokhor. Nobody ever mentioned the injured party. He was told to keep quiet and hide away such a minor wound.

Wrote Anton Chekhov "Chameleon", a summarywhich was revealed above, in the hope of bringing to the human mind the idea that toadying puts a person in a ridiculous position. Achieve this way of recognition is unlikely to work, respect will be lost forever. Police officer Ochumelov wanted to show his power, as a result he became a real laughingstock for the whole city.

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