"Maynkraft" is an ideal game for thosepeople who want to spend time together with other gamers. Naturally, there is also a single regime, which can drag on for many tens of hours, since each new world is unique and unique. However, to a large extent this game has won its popularity due to the fact that it has a full function of the multiplayer mode. In addition, there are dozens of different servers, each of which can offer players something new and interesting. This article will discuss how to add to the party in this sandbox, if you are playing on the network.
Vimeworld is one of the most popular servers"Minecraft" in the world, so this article will be considered on his example. In particular, due to the fact that there is an opportunity to create a party. What it is? Why is this necessary? As in many multi-user computer games, the party is a group of gamers, gathered together to jointly fight the enemies, sharing the experience gained and the drop. Accordingly, if you plan on going to any big boss, then you can join the party, which will greatly facilitate your task. But remember that if you defeat this boss alone, all experience and all rewards will be given to you, while if there is a party, the reward will be divided into all participants. Now you have a general idea of this term, and now you are most likely interested in how to add other players to the party. This will be discussed below.
Like many other actions in the "Meincraft,Addition to the party is also carried out using a special command. So, if you want to learn how to add to a party, you should prepare your console. To do this, use the party invite command, after which you need to enter the nickname of the gamer you would like to add to your team. However, this person does not immediately join you, and now you will find out why.
Now you know how to add to the party in"Maynkraft", however, this one team will not be enough. If this is the case, then you could simply attach each person to yourself on the server without asking for his permission. But the situation is quite different, and when you use the command described above, the gamer whose nickname you indicated gets an alert that he was invited. He can ignore this invitation if he does not want to join you, or he can use the team join command, after which he must also assign your nickname, since you are the organizer of the team. Now you know how to add to the party on VimeWorld and any other server where there is such a function.
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