The best statuses in "Odnoklassniki" and "VKontakte" - a compilation

Statuses have become an important part of our life inin social networks. After all, with their help you can share your views on life, relationships, friendship ... The best statuses in "Classmates" or "VKontakte" collect a lot of "likes", their friends repost familiar acquaintances, increasing interest in the page and its owner. Therefore it makes sense to post new statements more often.

In this article you will find a selection of "fresh" statuses for each day.

About life: the best statuses for "Classmates" and "Contact"

  • Well live in the world Winnie the Pooh! I would have his problems, I would have lived well ...
  • I read the news and do not know how to react: it's time to cry, but I'm laughing. Nervous, probably.
  • If you do not tell me what to do, I will not tell you where to go.

the best statuses in classmates

  • Sometimes things change. Your attitude to people, things, events ... It's not bad and not good. It's just life.
  • "A bright future" reminds me of Scarlett O'Hara. Instead of finally coming, it decides "to think about it tomorrow."
  • Everyone actively loses weight, is engaged in fitness, on thinend polandensom, learn Chinese and learn a new kind of extreme cross-stitching, and I ... I fry the cutlets to my husband on the most primitive frying pan and is quite happy with life. Happiness, it is in the details.
  • I do not swear at mates. I use profanity for the constructive expression of hidden emotions.

About relationships

The best statuses in Odnoklassniki, of course, about love and relationships. For example, these are:

  • Looking for a prince. Horses, please do not apply.
  • If I have the status of "in active search", it means that I lie on the couch and wait for the men of dreams to fall from the ceiling.
  • If a guy's status is "in active search," this does not exclude the presence of a couple of three ladies who consider themselves "one-only."

statuses in classmates are the best

  • Yesterday I broke up. Today - in tears. Tomorrow I will go to conquer new peaks.
  • If the girl calls first, it's not because she does not have to call anyone else. You're in love with her, damn it.
  • You need to strive not to change her status in "Classmates" to "in love", but to ensure that she was happy with you.
  • Love is not when you are beautiful together, but when you can not live without each other.
  • When I see your message, I smile. Even without knowing what's inside. Just because you remember me.
  • There is no such thing in love as "comfortable." It can comfortably be with music and books. And "your" person should cause a storm of emotions. Otherwise, this is not love, but an advantageous existence, like "you - to me, I to you".

About work

If you are interested in the best statuses in Odnoklassniki about work, read this small selection.

  • In the morning he pulls to sleep, in the afternoon - to eat, in the evening - to take a break. And when to work ?!
  • The work itself will not work. End your sleep, go to plow!

the best status for classmates

  • I work as in a fairy tale: the boss of Koschey the Immortal, his deputy Baba-Yaga, the collective - the geese-swans, and I am a hybrid of Ivanushka the Fool and Mary-Artificial woman.
  • The most effective alarm clock is the chief's call: "You, in general, where?"
  • I love Thursday. Because Friday is Saturday. The main thing is to start thinking about it on Wednesday, and all - the week was a success!

And we will add a few more to the collection "The best statuses in Odnoklassniki":

  • If you do not like your job, it's time to change something: either work or your attitude towards it.
  • The crown phrase of the head: "Irreplaceable no!" While business does not reach the vacation. Then you realize that you are the only one.

About friends

This category of statements - the statuses in Odnoklassniki are the best, enjoying great popularity, along with the statuses about the relationship.

  • Happiness is when there is a person in your life who is called in deep depression, but you put the phone with a smile to your ears.
  • Friends are also people. And they have a right to privacy. His, and not someone else's.
  • Friendship does not tolerate subjunctive moods.

the best statuses for classmates and contact

  • If a friend talks about his problems, it does not mean that he complains. He just trusts you.
  • It's okay if you do not have friends. It's terrible if they are envious and corrupt.
  • A friend is not the one who does stupid things with you. And he who keeps from them.

The best statuses for Odnoklassniki about vacation

  • Even my bag travels more often than I do.
  • Summer, sea, sun, beach ...
    This is clearly not about us.
    Summer, rain, garden -
    The people are entertained.
  • Egypt, Turkey, Maldives ... It's good where we do not exist ... The vegetable garden, potatoes, weeding - that's the stark reality.
  • When going on vacation, do not forget to tell everyone that you are in roaming. Those wishing to work will be reduced.

the best statuses in classmates

  • After such a holiday, one more thing is needed - to rest.
  • Want to become inflated and sunburnt in a couple of weeks? Go on vacation to the cottage!
  • Chief, make me happy! Send me ... on vacation!
  • To have a good rest, you need to work hard.
  • Leave is two weeks of blissful doing nothing.
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