How to reduce the brightness on a laptop: the secrets of energy saving and not only ...

Probably, each of you, dear admirersportable electronics, has repeatedly faced with any "energy" problem. A common problem among beginners is the question: "How to reduce the brightness on a laptop?" - is mainly caused not so much by the desire to save such sometimes lacking autonomous resources of electric energy, as visual discomfort in the process of using a laptop. After all, often the environment around us is far from ideal (the light is not bright enough or too glaring), and the quality of some multimedia products causes or strains eyesight, or blink your eyes while viewing them. How to adjust the acceptable color rendition in the laptop and what you need to press for this, you will learn from this article.

If you can hardly see the introductory paragraph: saving utility

Brightness of the monitor, program

Perhaps, at this moment you need an answer to the question: "How to add brightness to the laptop?" Well, it's time to wonder how simple it can be done and how little it takes!

  • Download and install a small utility called "Adjust Laptop Brightness" on the laptop.
  • The icon will appear in the system tray as a sun.
  • Click on it and, moving the slider, adjust the acceptable brightness level.

The application works correctly on anyportable device. Moreover, "Adjust Laptop Brightness" has such an important feature as full compatibility: Mac, Windows and iOS operating systems perfectly "get along" with this software.

But what about the integrated functionality of a laptop?

Various modifications of compact computersequipped with special function keys, with which you control the illumination of the screen of the laptop. If you do not know how to reduce the brightness on your laptop, carefully examine the keyboard module of your device. Icons in the form of a crescent moon, sun or a graphic sign "Decrease / increase" - this is exactly the same buttons-regulators of visual acceptability of a picture displayed on a laptop screen. As a rule, in laptops in order to activate the function key, you need to activate the duplicate button "Fn". In the case when such a scenario of quick access to the "light" settings does not work, you need to check: does your OS have the appropriate drivers ...

Buttons, controls, color and light: how to organize comfortable control?

How to reduce the brightness on a laptop?

As you understand, an unambiguous answer to thethe difficulty of many "how to reduce brightness on a laptop" - no. However, the user always has the opportunity to enter the control panel and set the required visualization parameters directly from the "Screen" - "Properties" menu. Of course, this method can not be called convenient, especially since there are "cherished icons" on the keyboard. This means that, most likely, the operating system does not have the appropriate driver. To correct this problem, follow the procedure described below.

  • Go to the start menu and set the marker to "This computer".
  • Right-click on the context list, from which select "Properties."
  • Next, click on the link "Device Manager".
  • Stop on the "Video adapters" section and use the right button to open the context menu.
  • Delete the active device.
    How to adjust brightness on a laptop?

After you update the configurationequipment, the OS will offer to install drivers again - we agree and expect the installation process to be completed. This action is most likely to help you fix the unresolved problem of "How to adjust brightness on a laptop". If the result is negative, please download and install the current version of the video driver.

How to add brightness to your laptop

Energy "uncertainties" ...

You should be aware that with a low battery chargethe monitor's backlight dims. Laptop under these conditions goes into power saving mode. Connect the computer to the mains and the problem may be exhausted. In any case, go to the "Power Options" menu and apply the necessary settings for you.

Remember: The "Maximum performance" scheme involved is the most resource intensive. In other words, with such settings your battery will rapidly lose its energy potential. If you need to extend the "autonomous life" of the laptop at some particular moment, lower the brightness of the monitor to a minimum. The program, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article, will help you!

Summing up

Well, now you know how to reduce the brightness tolaptop and how this action can have a beneficial effect on the overall process of energy savings. Of course, not all options for controlling the lighting were considered in the framework of the presented article. There are many other ways by which you can also restore comfortable control of the laptop's lighting. However, we touched on the core. Perfect mood for you and the most colorful sessions behind the screen of your laptop!

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