How to reduce the screen on a computer and laptop?

Sometimes users of personal computersexperience discomfort from modern monitors of large sizes. People often need time to fully get used to the dimensions of the display. To begin with, to ease your life, you need to reduce the resolution. And now we will discuss how to reduce the screen, and also tell what means are needed for this.

How to reduce the screen: the main way

how to reduce the screen
Currently, the user has two ways tosolving the task. At the end of each of the tracks we will find the answer to the question "how to reduce the screen resolution". First, consider the option using the interface of the video card. Also, you can reduce the monitor screen with standard operating system tools - we'll discuss them later.

In case you have already installed on a personalcomputer necessary software and graphics card drivers, we have the opportunity to reduce the resolution in this way: we find in the taskbar an icon that is responsible for setting various parameters of the video card, click on it and select the "Screen Resolution" function.

Using the slider determine the necessary,most comfortable with us size. Remember that part of the screen that the system will not use will be blacked out. You will gradually get used to full-scale mode, so we recommend that you increase the resolution of the screen once in a couple of weeks.

How to reduce the screen with the help of the operating system?

how to reduce the screen resolution
Thanks to the standard personalcomputer, you can adjust the screen size. To do this, click on the desktop (on the empty area) with the right mouse button, then select the "Properties" item. In case you are using Windows 7, then remember that here you can select the "Screen Resolution" function.

We find in the properties a special item responsible for changing the scale of your desktop, adjust all the parameters according to your requirements. After that, we save the settings.

As in the previous version, you can once in 10days to increase the resolution, so it was more comfortable to fully get used to the full-screen display mode. These are the main answers to the question of how to reduce the screen. And then we will consider special cases.

And if I have a laptop?

In the process of hard work on a laptop withvarious graphic editors have a very often need to change the size of the image or the screen itself. For example, this is the case when the processed image simply goes beyond the screen. Note that not every editor has the function of resizing the screen.

Fortunately, you can do it without them. All we need is Windows.

How to reduce the screen on a laptop
There are many different methods forscreen resolution management. We will discuss the most effective. Here everything is exactly the same as with a desktop computer, however with slight differences, which can not be forgotten.

How to solve a big problem with a small screen?

If you have a laptop in your systema separate video card, we proceed as follows. We bring it to a workable state - for this we download the necessary drivers, necessarily from the official website of the manufacturer. An important point: before downloading the driver package we need to choose the operating system under which our laptop runs.

reduce the monitor screen
After all the necessary programs have beeninstalled, reboot the laptop. To this end, the installation wizard has a "Reboot computer" button, you probably also have to click the "Finish" button. If the offer does not arrive, restart manually.

If you are using Windows XP, which is alsosometimes found on laptops, then right-click on the free desktop space to bring up the context menu. Select the "Properties" item, find the "Properties" tab in the "Display Properties" window and change the screen resolution using the slider.

Select the desired value, set the slider,then confirm the change by clicking on "Apply". If the result completely suits you, then boldly press "OK". If this is not the case, select the "Cancel" icon, then resubmit the resolution. So we figured out how to reduce the screen on the laptop.

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