How to remove page breaks in Word. Several ways

When copying or editing articles and worksVord users are faced with the fact that the text (a new chapter or paragraph) begins on the next page. Meanwhile, either for economical printing purposes, or for the use of certain fragments of this document, such design is inappropriate and undesirable.

This article is devoted to how to remove page breaks in Word.

What is a page break

The page break in "Word 2010" is a non-printablea character, like a space, a paragraph or tab character. This is a sign-command. After it, all subsequent text will be located only on the next page. This feature is used when the idea of ​​document layout assumes that each section starts with a new sheet. Often, instead of breaking a page, mistakes are made for repeating the end-of-paragraph characters for this purpose, but this is very inconvenient. With this decision, after changing the volume of the partition, the initial lines of all the subsequent sections "will be", that is, they will start from the middle of the next page, then continue already filled, but after some distance. This is absolutely natural, since a large number of spaces is specified only the distance between the lines. They are not given the command to start a new page.

A similar sign is a line break. It is used when it is necessary that all subsequent text is printed necessarily on another line, and the new paragraph does not begin.

There are several ways to removepage breaks in the Word. It is advisable to use them depending on the volume of the document, how many deletions are expected in it, and what is their purpose, and so on.

The first way

You can remove the page break in the "Word" simplyputting the cursor at the end of the very last line, after which the gap begins, and press the Delete key. It may need to be pressed several times, since probably the last printable character (most often it concerns the point or other sign of the end of the sentence) can be duplicate spaces and paragraphs. However, in the end they will all be deleted, and the page will be deleted after them. Most often this happens after the second or third keystroke. This will be noticeable when the text from the next page moves to the current one and, most likely, continues the paragraph. Then it is enough to separate it by pressing the Enter key.

This method is suitable for working with small documents and single breaks.

The second way

The second way to remove the page breaks in the "Word" is to control the removal of characters.

Click the button "Show all signs", and yousee all the breaks in the document. Scrolling down, select them and press Enter or Delete, depending on how the text is framed, so either the break is replaced at the end of the paragraph, or simply deleted.

This method is irreplaceable, if you want to remove only a part of the breaks. Suppose it is necessary that chapters begin with a new page, and the paragraphs continue on the previous pages.

It can also be used if you are working with a medium-length document.

How to remove page breaks in Word

The third way

The third method is automaticRemoving absolutely all page breaks in the document or replacing them with a paragraph or space character (depending on your goals). To do this, use the search and replace window.

Place the cursor at the beginning of the text and pressCtrl and F. A search and replace screen appears. Click the "Replace" tab. Then click the "More" button. Additional settings and options will be displayed. Place the cursor in the "Find" field. Find the button "Special" and in the drop-down list click on the line "Page break".

remove page break in Word

Place the cursor in the "Replace" field. If you just need to delete the breaks, do not type anything in this line. If you need to replace them with spaces, type a space (with a normal key, as you do when working with text). If you want all sections to be replaced at the beginning of the paragraphs, click on the "Special" button and select the appropriate line.

Then click the "Replace All" button. The operation is completed. The program will provide a report on how many replacements have been made. All page breaks have been deleted.

This method is suitable for working with volumetricdocuments or with such texts, where page breaks are placed erroneously and haphazardly. This happens, for example, when copying materials from a browser with complex layout.

page break in Word 2010

Combining different ways

How can I remove page breaks in Word? Use the second and third methods together. Let's say you have a very large document, but you would like that not all sections be deleted. Repeat the preparation for the automatic replacement, but instead of the "Replace All" button, click Find Next. If the page break that the program shows you is to be deleted, click "Replace", if not, then give the command "Vorda" to look for the next character. This will greatly speed up the work.

In addition to the page break, a section break mark can also be used in the document. It can be deleted in a similar way.

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