Hot wrapping

Hot wrap - popular cosmetica procedure that can be carried out both at home and in a beauty salon. Wrapping involves the use of a cosmetic that warms up to body temperature or slightly more (up to 40 degrees). As heating components use chocolate, honey, mustard, pepper and other products. Typically, these body masks are effective in combating excess centimeters in the waist and hips, as well as getting rid of cellulite.

In order to create the effect of the sauna during the procedure, the body is wrapped in cellophane and additionally insulated. The main goals that need to be achieved are:

- deep warming of the skin and fat deposits,

- pore opening,

- elimination of toxins from the body.

As a result of the procedure, the process of metabolism and fission of fats is accelerated, blood flow increases.

First of all, the action of hot wrappingis aimed at reducing your body weight, reducing its volume in various areas, increasing elasticity, elasticity of the skin, increasing its tone, getting rid of cellulite and stretch marks, and correcting the figure.

Make a hot wrap at home is quite simple. To do this, you will need a body scrub, cellophane film, terry towel, mask for wrapping.

Before you begin the wrapping process,it is advisable to take a hot bath or go to a sauna or a sauna to warm up the skin and prepare it for the procedure. If you decide to take a bath, you can add a liquid extract of kelp. For a bath, algae oil is suitable, which must be applied to the body. After you steamed the skin, it is worth it to clean, applying a salt scrub. Now you can apply a mask. Most often, women use clay, sea mud, chocolate, honey, oils and other ingredients. Once you have applied to the body a mushy mass, it is necessary to wrap it with food film and warm it. After you are wrapped in wool or mohair, you can get comfortable and wait for the completion of the procedure, which will come in 40 minutes. At the end of this time, the mask must be washed off and a fixing agent applied. It can be an anti-cellulite cream or a remedy with lifting effect. In such products, a professional body care line has a complex of nutritious and moisturizing substances useful for the skin.

To conduct a hot wrap is more effective inevening time before bedtime to improve the effectiveness of procedures. In the period from 19 pm and until the morning, there is a process of recovery, in addition, after wrapping experts do not advise to engage in active physical activity.

It is also worth checking the temperature of the mask,which you are going to apply on the body. If you use oils, dirt or clay, then their temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. The temperature of the algae reaches 35 degrees.

If you want to not only get rid of excessvolumes, but also to improve your body, we advise you to try a hot wrap with honey. Honey wraps are often done with the addition of oils, yeast, algae and mud. After the course of honey treatment you will get rid of dry skin, swelling, fatigue. Honey will remove toxins from the body and increase the level of skin elasticity. The peculiarity of the wrapping with honey is that you do not need additional warming, as it will automatically warm the skin.

Hot wrap with honey is forbidden to people,having a tendency to allergies and other skin diseases. Also, do not perform the procedure for pregnant women, people with heart disease, varicose veins, diabetes. Contraindicated wrap and during menstruation.

In beauty salons, they do the same for hair. If you want your hair to become smooth and shiny, try yourself a hot wrap with silk.

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