Home cosmetology: wrapping with capsicum and caffeine (procedure comments)

Surely every woman cares about the questionaesthetic appearance of some parts of the body. With age, certain imperfections in the figure become more and more noticeable. To keep your body in perfect shape, you need to make some effort. These are both physical exertion and cosmetic procedures. Wrapping with "Capsicum" and caffeine, reviews of which give only a positive evaluation of this procedure, will help get rid of cellulite and excess fat. In addition, it helps eliminate toxins, excess fluid and increase the tone of the skin.

wrapping with capsicum and caffeine reviews

Main active ingredients

"Capsicum" is an ointment with a warmingeffect. This feature contributes to a natural expansion of the pores. Wrapping with "Capsicum" and caffeine, reviews about which are always positive, perfectly fights with the so-called orange peel. Useful substances, penetrating through the expanded pores inside the skin, contribute to a faster burning of excess fat. After a course of wrapping, microcirculation improves, the fatty layer and irregularities decrease. The skin acquires a good tone and fresh appearance, and the pores become narrower.


Wrapping with "Capsicum" and caffeine, which is discussed in favor of choosing this procedure, is not recommended if there are some health problems. So, it is contraindicated

wrapping with capsicum reviews
women with varicose veins, withpresence of tumors, pathology of the kidneys, allergies to the main components, as well as cardiovascular insufficiency, skin diseases. During pregnancy, at a high temperature, dizziness and other ailments, wrapping with caffeine and "Kapsikam" is also contraindicated.


Mix a teaspoon of any body cream withfour ampoules of caffeine and one small pea of ​​"Kapsikam" ointment. The resulting composition is applied to the problem areas of the body and wrapped with food film. After an hour or two, the cosmetic can be washed off.

Useful recommendations

wrapping with caffeine and capsicum
To wrap with "Capsicum" and caffeine,reviews about which are mostly positive, was the most effective, while the procedure should follow certain rules. Pre-steal, and then cleanse the skin with a massage sponge or scrub. Before and after the procedure, it is not recommended to eat for an hour. The product should be applied to the skin in a circular motion, and very carefully. It is best to wrap the problem parts of the body with a food film from the bottom upwards, sufficiently tightly, but not tightening so as not to disturb the blood circulation. To create the effect of additional heat, put on a robe or wrapped in a towel. To wrap with "Kapsikam," which testifies to the high effectiveness of this procedure, led to the maximum result, after washing off the warming mixture, take a strong salt bath. After this, you can apply a nourishing cream to the skin. The wrap should be carried out with a course of 14 procedures three times a week.

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