Black toothpaste Blackwood from Splat. Toothpaste "Splat": varieties, composition, price

Who does not dream of a real Hollywood smile? Earlier whiteness of teeth was considered a sign of purity, aristocratic origin and prosperity. Today it is worth not less.

children's toothpaste

Unfortunately, the pearl whiteness of teeth is naturedid not endow all, so to support the image often have to resort to laborious and costly bleaching procedures, which, unfortunately, do not give a lasting result.

Given by nature

The thing is that a milky-white smile is given fromnature is far from everything. Often the natural color of the enamel is significantly different from the desired one. In most cases, it has a grayish or yellowish hue, which eventually darkens under the influence of internal and external factors.

What spoils our teeth

Change in the color of tooth enamel is facilitated by suchtroubles, as a failure of the hormonal background, a lack of vitamins and minerals. Even stress can have a negative impact on the quality of our tooth enamel.

Unfortunately, the problem does not end there -Darkening of enamel is much more conducive to external factors. For example, it is very distant from the coveted Hollywood smile frequent use of such drinks as tea and coffee. Pigment contained in them, has a sufficiently high degree of transmission - it is clogged in the microcracks on the tooth enamel and gradually spoils its color.

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Water is also no less harmful,which we regularly use for food. No matter how good the filtration, there still remains a certain percentage of different salts and foreign impurities, which gradually settle on the teeth, depriving them of attractiveness.

Is there an exit?

As folk wisdom says, you can resolvealmost any problem. More often than not, by detecting darkened enamel, people run to the dentist and are asked to urgently remove this deficiency. The bleaching procedure, undoubtedly, gives an excellent visible immediately the result, but it requires very considerable money costs, which is acceptable not for everyone. In addition, this kind of action is very harmful to our teeth, not to mention the fact that the result can not be called durable.

There is also a less expensive solution to this problem - one-time kaps for bleaching, which can be found in almost any pharmacy. However, the longevity of the effect, they too can not boast.

Finally, there are a number of popular methods for eliminatingthis trouble: you can find a lot of information about the benefits of activated carbon, salt or soda for these purposes. However, these procedures can be called effective only with a stretch, and you often have to worry about safety more than about the whiteness of teeth.

Preventive measures

As those who are smarter than us say, the best waysolving the problem - to prevent it. Proper dental care can very well prevent the occurrence of trouble. Speech in this case is about the protection of tooth enamel since childhood - good, children's toothpaste has not only a beautiful design, but also a very pleasant taste, so that no one has to force.


It is very important in this case to choose the right toothpaste. It is better to give preference to brands professional than products of the category "mass market."

A striking example in this respect is the trademark Splat.


Despite the fact that the goods of this company are oftenmeet in pharmacies and shops that specialize in cosmetic products, they can not be called mass. If you study the reviews, the toothpaste "Splat" differs from others in that it is developed by professionals with the use of the latest technologies and unique recipes. It can be safely called the ideal embodiment of price and quality.

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If you omit positive reviews, toothpaste"Splat" is also different form of filing - in each box the buyer discovers a letter from the company's CEO, which contains a lot of warm words, wishes and suggestions. This charming detail makes the purchase more pleasant, whether it's baby toothpaste or a powerful bleaching agent.


Despite the fact that the trademark is less popular than its more advertised competitors, it is not necessary to complain about the scarcity of the product line.


If you analyze the reviews, toothpaste "Splat"most often purchased for bleaching enamel. The black toothpaste "Blackwood Splat" and Extreme white are the most in demand in this respect for intensive color changes. Both species, according to reviews, have a powerful antibacterial effect and long refresh breathing.

A special praise in the field of bleaching deservedpaste "Blackwood Spreads", containing juniper berries extract, Karelian birch charcoal and "Biosol" antiseptic. In addition to the obvious qualities of whitening, refreshing breathing and oral care, this paste boasts another feature - thanks to the black color of the remedy, the result becomes even more noticeable as a result of the contrast with the whiteness of the enamel.

The manufacturer offers just 3 full-fledgedline of products: Junior, Professional, which includes no less popular toothpaste, "Bioclassium Splat", and Special, which includes fast products.

In addition, there is an Express line, in whichpresented more compact, ergonomic, if you can say so, options for goods, various devices for cleaning teeth, from brushes, ending with dental floss, and miniature, easy-to-use sets for travel.


Often, funds that have a pronounced effect are notcan boast of a good set of components. Toothpaste "Splat", the composition of which is selected as carefully as possible, is advantageous from them in this respect. The fact is that for the production of products, for the most part, it is organic raw materials that do not harm the tooth enamel and have an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity, which is confirmed by the huge number of positive reviews.

Price policy

Toothpaste "Splat", the price of which to somecan seem quite high, in fact is a perfect example of price and quality. Speaking extremely simply, it is better to spend a certain amount on a good toothpaste once a month than to pay for the bleaching procedure, which will not give a lasting result.

As for the cost, depending on the type, itcan range from 40 to 150 rubles. Black paste with Karelian birch charcoal, the main task of which is bleaching, costs on average 110-130 rubles, which is not too expensive given its quality.

Difference from other products when using

If you analyze the reviews, toothpaste"Splat" differs at least in that it does not thin the enamel, preventing heightened sensitivity. Due to the fact that the composition of these products is mostly organic, the acid medium does not adversely affect both the teeth and the oral cavity as a whole than the products of other producers sin. "Splat" - the paste is gentle, carefully leading to the desired result and not having a negative impact. Judging by the reviews, it is excellent for both regular use and emergency measures. "Splat" - paste, which gives a tangible result in 2-3 weeks after the start of use.

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In short, this is the very option of a preventive measure that will not only avoid costly procedures, but also provide fresh breath and a beautiful smile for a long time and painlessly.

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